Monday, January 6, 2014

Period 5- Perfect World

The community in The Giver tries to replicate a perfect society. Describe in detail your idea of what a perfect world would be like. What things would be eliminated? What things would be added? How would you take care of the world’s problems?


  1. My idea of a perfect society would be a lot different that of the Givers. In my society there would be no killing whatsoever, free choice(with reasonable limits), allowing of bodily hormones to do their job, democracy, color, and different environments. Things that I would eliminate are war, hunger, poverty, disease, discrimination, and other evils that have long been afflicted on mankind. Certain things I would keep are happiness, joy, family, animals, sex, and other pleasures. Within in my perfect world I would crack down on evil practices and people. So with that stated my community would be different from the Givers in multiple ways.

  2. If I had to make the world perfect, the first thing I would change is the type of food we eat. With all the fast food places in America, people are becoming less and less healthy. This community would keep all its citizens healthy. Another thing I would do is lower the amount of pollution by changing the kind of energy used. Everything we be green and clean. Also, I would change the kind of education kids get. So many years of school talking about the same thing seems pointless. I would make it so kids have 2 less years of elementary school and 1 less year of middle school. I would make sure that the people can not use gas powered car because they make too much pollution. There will be bus services for everyone.There will also be a running bus service for all neighborhoods to and from school. Another thing I would change is that people are not allowed to go to jail unless someone is positive that they are guilty. I don't think it is fair just to put someone in jail if they didn't do the crime. By saving people from natural disasters such as earthquakes and tornados, for every home there will be a safe house made of stone blocks to protect people. In order to limit the amounts of death I will not allow for anyone to carry any kind of weapons. All dangerous items will be eliminated. I will add any kind of green energy and source of protection for the citizens. I will eliminate things that will harm citizens and anything that does not use green energy. In conclusion, there are several ways I can the community better.

  3. My idea of a perfect world would be a world without suffering, whether that be physical suffering or mental/emotional suffering. In my perfect world there would be no hunger or poverty. Everybody would be equal. I would eliminate the possibility of ordinary citizens being able to possess guns, in our society gun violence is a major problem, from adults getting killed to 1st graders getting killed. That is how I would take care of the worlds problems.

  4. My idea of a perfect world would be of a place with no diseases, no war/conflict throughout different parts of the world, no poverty in poor countries. A place where everybody has an equal opportunity for a good education and get a job. To be a place free from evil where almost no conflict takes place (not like the giver's community but a place where conflict can arise but not murder, thievery, etc.) Some things that should be added is that everybody can get a roof over their head, and food to eat. To take care of the world's problems, we would use the same example of electing a president My idea of a perfect world would be of a place with no diseases, no war/conflict throughout different parts of the world, no poverty in poor countries. A place where everybody has an equal opportunity for a good education and get a job. A place where there is almost no conflict (not a community like in the giver's, but where conflict can arise but not something too serious such as murder.) Some things that would be added to my idea of a perfect world is that everybody would have a roof over their head, and food to eat. To take care of the world's problems I would use the example of how we elect the president: to be decided by the people.

  5. In my mind there is no such thing as a perfect world. However, something that would be close is a place where there is no religion. This may sound harsh but if you really think about it, there would be nothing against gays or even persecuting other people's beliefs. People who realize that they have gay feelings have no idea how to stop what they are feeling. They are born that way. Some gays aren't accepted into their families after they come out. This would not happen in a perfect world. And we would not be against things like this if our religion didn't tell us to be. This is just one example of things religion limits. in a perfect world no one would be left out.

  6. A perfect society is unheard of, but many different versions can be imagined. For a perfect society, you would probably have equality. Everyone would have equal choice in where they live, their career, and their salary. It would be a place where no harm is done to the citizens either by themselves or each other. So crime will be eliminated and equal rights and opportunities will be added. All the world problems will be solved such as world hunger and world peace. Everyone will be living in happiness, even though all of this can only be imagined.

  7. In a perfect society, there would be no violence. Also there would be no homeless citizens. Some things I would add to a perfect society is, everyone will have a job even if they don't have a education. Moreover, I would allow everyone to create a family with no limits on how many kids should be in their family. I would take care of the world's problems by having a leader in the society and his (or her) workers, such as police officers to solve the problems. Like in the Giver, if someone violates the law several times, they will be removed from the society. To sum up, a perfect would have no violence people can make their own choices.

  8. My idea of a perfect world would revolve around the idea that all people are equal and life should be lived to its fullest extent. For this to happen I think we would need to apply rules and laws that prohibit things like bullying, racism, and segregation. Having a strict government helps apply this but there would still be free choice and have freedom. Also I think that starvation and hunger should be taken care of and no one should have to live or suffer to survive. Something as simple as eating should not become a conflict and its something I really want to change. Lastly I think adding jobs and occupations that make people happy and help them enjoy themselves is more important than any job that makes a lot of money. There is a quote that says, "Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life." Having these things applied would make the world a better place to live in.

  9. A perfect society in my mind would have many requirements. The first major thing would be that there is a strong central government where the people are satisfied with it. The people should live in a calm life with peace and order. The central government must limit the the things that the person can do. If they can do anything, they can obstruct people from living in peace and order. Also all weapons and ammunition are banned and can only be used by the military in order to defend and protect the community. Education would be top ranked as all people must have a specific major that they study in so they can work in other neighboring communities and return home after work. This community would not join in public wars as long as they are not forced in by an attack by another outside community. There is a strong legal system in place to give fairness to those accused of crimes and people have the right to have a trial in court by a jury.These are some of the many requirements a community needs to be the perfect or idea place to live.

  10. A perfect society in my mind would have many requirements. The first major thing would be that there is a strong central government where the people are satisfied with it. The people should live in a calm life with peace and order. The central government must limit the the things that the person can do. If they can do anything, they can obstruct people from living in peace and order. Also all weapons and ammunition are banned and can only be used by the military in order to defend and protect the community. Education would be top ranked as all people must have a specific major that they study in so they can work in other neighboring communities and return home after work. This community would not join in public wars as long as they are not forced in by an attack by another outside community. There is a strong legal system in place to give fairness to those accused of crimes and people have the right to have a trial in court by a jury.These are some of the many requirements a community needs to be the perfect or idea place to live.

  11. In The Giver, Jonas’ community tries to replicate a perfect society. In my opinion, their society isn't near perfect, but that is my point of view, and everyone sees perfect differently. However, if I were to create a perfect society, it would be described as follows: The society would be a place of fun and games, with everything computer generated. You would live in a virtual world with many things to do, and create out of thin air. It would be like a sandbox, where creation becomes reality. Among the things that would be removed, murder, death, and the ability to be offended would be some of them. Additions would be rules to prevent the tearing down of the community, and making everyone be happy all of the time. Any problems the world may have can instantly be fixed through deletion, as the world is computerized.

  12. A perfect world would be like if everyone thing in the world is free. Their would be no driving age limit. You can do almost whatever you want. But they're are some big rules, like no murder or robbing banks. Kids could get married or not they're parents don't have the choice. School will be cut shorter. Their will be no work since everything will be free. A lot of things will be eliminated in my perfect world. One would be the school hours and all of children s freedom. Things that will be added is school hours. School days. That everybody has to work and that everything is not free. Also more rules will be added.

  13. My perfect community would probably have everyone getting along and loving eachother. There would be no jealousy at all because that is the one thing that always causes poblems. Also, no one would judge eachother by looks, color, religion, and everything else that our society critizes human beings on. ANother thing that can change is the weather. I think if the weaher was always nice, it would make peoplehave better attitudes. Sunny skies and comfortable temperatures would defintiely help. These are just some of the tings that would help make a better community.

  14. A perfect world for me would have many things changed. For one thing, there would be less pollution. There would be no need for cars and things that run on gas. That woukd eleminate air pollution. A mode of transportation would be most likely be bikes because you can get to places quickly and there is no pollution. Everyone would live in small building for every family. Everyone would be required to eat a meal a day with there family. They are also required to do some sort of physical activty everyday for at least some sort of time. That would keep everyone in some sort of shape. There would be many communities each having about 200 familes each having people doing different things. You go from community to community depending on your job. You would have to go to school five days a week from age five to sixteen. You may require more schooling depending on what you decide to specalize in. Most people require at least a year of learning the job before they can acually start. This also makes sure that you really like the job that you pick out. After you have a job, you can get married to any person of your choosing. You have to be with that person for a minumum of a year before you can offically be married. There are very few people who break up because they find the person who they truely love. Therefore, there are many things I would change but there are many things that I would keep the same.

  15. In a perfect society, there would be absolutely no judging other people. There would be a strict rule against rudeness and judging. Severe consequences for each would be provided by law enforcements. All crime would be completely eliminated. Of course, natural human feelings, such as hate, will arise, however the community will be limited in size and population to prevent as much hate as possible. Everyone would be encouraged to be friends, or at least friendly, with everyone. In theory, it is simply not possible to create a completely perfect world, or even community, for there will always be things that aren't quite right. However, we would eliminate all people who bring a negative mindset to our community. The citizens will have free will at the age of 18 whether they would like to remain in the community or not. In order to eliminate the world's problems, we would need to isolate the community from the rest of the world. However, we would need knowledge from other communities and societies in order to better formulate ours. Therefore, we would have occupations in which certain, selected people will travel into other communities to observe pros and cons, and report back to us with their findings and suggestions. Our basis for our community would be kindness and equality. We would promote the face that everyone is equal and everyone has the right to a fair and good life. From early education kids would learn kindness and people skills, and would be punished for mean or rude wrongdoings. Since we would be isolated, we would keep ourselves out of the rest of the worlds wars, however volunteers may join an army to fight for an ally. The population would be restricted to only as many as can comfortably live with the supplies in the community. Diversity and differences are promoted, as everyone is encouraged to be happy with who they are. If everyone is happy with who they are, there should be no need for anything else to make them happy, and that would therefore create a somewhat close to perfect community.

  16. My idea of a perfect world is as follows:

    Everyone is equal. In all countries, both genders have equal rights. Boys and girls alike would be able to go to school, get an education, and get a job, unlike now where some countries don't allow female children to go to school, when that should be a basic right of the people: everyone gets an education, male or female. And race, too. All races would be treated equal. No one in my world would tolerate racism.

    It also ensures that everyone has a roof to live under. Seeing homeless people on the streets just breaks my heart, so my perfect world would have public homes where people could live for free until they got employed again.

    I would tighten security and make sure that bad things didn't happen, like murder, for example. I would make sure that no students were bullied or harrassed, because the posterity is very important. Right now, someone, somewhere, just killed themselves because of bullying. So I'd make sure that didn't happen. Ever. No suicide in my perfect world.

  17. In a perfect world, the first thing I would get rid of is chores! There would have to be a robotic machine to do all the work just the way you want it. Students would go to school four days a week instead of five as well. That way, students will have a longer weekend. And summer will end when summer really ends instead of the beginning of September. Because everyone needs a little extra time off. Everyone would be given a nice home so that way, there wouldn't be any homeless people. All people, at the age of 25, would have a well-paying job so they can support their family and still have to spend time with their family and friends because the jobs would have reasonable hours. In a perfect world,no one would be allowed to be rude or mean. If someone is mean they will be put in isolation for a few days so they can learn their lesson. With this no rude rule, their would be no bullying in schools and the world would be an overall happier place. Together, this is my idea of a perfect world.

  18. The community in the Giver tries to replicate a perfect society. I have my own idea on a perfect society as well. to me a perfect world would still be a world with all different people and races and personalities and lifestyles But the one thing I would add is, no crime or wrong doings. Crime, such as robbery, kidnapping, and murder and many more must be eliminated all together to make the world perfect. To me all of those things are very wrong and make the world uneasy and scared to do things such as even walking to their own house. Everyone should be able to not have a worry in a perfect world. I couldn't really take care of the worlds problems because even though you for example make something illegal you will always have those people who don't care. Therefore, that is my idea of a perfect world.

  19. The community in The Giver sees a perfect community as one in which everything is uniform. I, on the other hand, see a community quite different from that. My idea of a perfect community is a place where there is little conflict. Not everything in my community would be uniform. My idea of a perfect community would be kind of like the community I live in now. Although, some things would be eliminated, and some things would be added to it. For example, I would eliminate all violence. This would make for a more peaceful community without getting rid of conflict completely. I would also eliminate hunger by making sure all citizens get enough to eat. I would also make sure that every citizen gets a proper education. As life went on in my perfect community, I would most likely make changes to the rules in my community as time goes on since rules much change as the way of life changes in the coming years. When problems arise, my community and I would deal with them by voting on the different issues. My perfect community and the community in The Giver are very different, but they each have the same common goal which is to have a community which runs smoothly and provides an ideal place for its people to live.

  20. Reading "The Giver" in class is starting to be a difficult topic for me to grasp the more and more I look at the world around me. In the world we live in you see pain, and suffering, and hunger, and war. Though when you look in this society the author has created, the citizens don't even know what those words mean. In our novel they've isolated a human society and taken away all the unique qualities of a human being which is upsetting. However, the way I see things is humans will always have there humanity which unfortunately is more often then not inclusive to their almost instinctive ability to disagree with each other. This society (from another history lesson I've been able to relate to) has given up their liberties to gain security among other things such as peace and extensive equality. I don't agree with it but to be perfectly honest I have no better ideas how to ensure a perfect world for everyone without some humanity changing phenomenon. Which is unlikely. There are plenty of things that would have to go if this were ever to happen, there's plenty of bad guys we don't need those they're not much help, there would have to be some sort of awakening that would stop this pointing fingers nonsense from country to country, there should be no hunger ( I love food and I really have issues when others go without it cause I can only imagine how they must feel), there should be no hatred swirling from person to person, no jealousy, no mistreatment. The smallest things can add up and it's all to confusing to truly create this worldwide utopia. So in other words the answer to this blog question is beyond my thought process after 10 o'clock at night for me considering all the factors to a perfect world. All I can say, is that there is much to change for a perfect world to become a reality.
