Monday, January 6, 2014

Period 2- Perfect World

The community in The Giver tries to replicate a perfect society. Describe in detail your idea of what a perfect world would be like. What things would be eliminated? What things would be added? How would you take care of the world’s problems?


  1. In my eyes a perfect society would be a place with no pain and happiness. I would make sure that there is no injury, no stress, no mental challenges, and no emotional pain. These things usually are things that put people to the test on a daily basis and i feel that without these things a person’s day to day life would be greatly changed for the better, allowing more happiness and more love on a day to day basis. With these things gone people would have a much easier time being in public and talking to someone they know, because of the lack or worrying about what this person might think of their appearance or their personality. I would also add a few things that would make the world a happier place. I would bring in the ability to get things done in a timely manner all the time and the ability to never forget about something. These may be a little weird but i think they would help a person a lot. Without putting too much time into something you allow more time for enjoyment and family. With not forgetting anything you now can be on time and not have to stress about remembering something that is due for work or school. Although these changes are not possible because of how complex the human mind thinks and works, they are fun to think about. But with a complex mind comes great challenges and that is the test that we all must deal with daily, even if we don't want to at times.

  2. If i had control of my own perfect society, everybody would have XBOX smartphones. which is a small XBOX in phone form. It would have everything from calling to playing games. Everyone would wear the new product called toilet pants. The toilet pants are new state of the art pants with a built in toilet that vaporizes any waste in them. This will cause nobody to have to go to the bathroom eliminating the need for sewers and plumbing altogether. this will help with the waste problems of the world.

  3. In a perfect society there would be lots of candy. There would be no crime because you must qualify to get in. There the trees would be made of cotton candy. the bugs and animals will be gummy. Everybody will live in a gingerbread house. And everyone would get free lotion :) (Georgia). The lotion will be the cure to ashy skin. This is the perfect society.

  4. My idea of a perfect world is a place where everyone is equal. There would still be colors but like in The Giver, rules against rudeness, bragging, and pointing out others’ differences would be in effect. In The Giver the people don’t know anything but those rules so when they are told to follow them they do so with ease. That is exactly what would happen in my society. Another thing that I would want in my perfect world would be uniforms where there were a few choices for what you could wear but besides that everyone had the same exact clothes. The men and women would also all have to have the same hairstyle so that no one is different because of their hair style or color. My idea of a perfect world would be a lot like the one in the Giver except it wouldn’t have a receiver that knows everything because in my opinion having someone know the truth about everything could not be good in a perfect world because the information could be let out. All of the world’s problems would be solved in my perfect world.

  5. A perfect society is unimaginable. Everything that is anything has problems no matter what it is. A perfect society to one person could be the exact opposite to somebody. For me this is what a perfect society would be like.Everybody would have an equal chance to chose the path they want. They will all be taught at the same level with adjustments for their needs. Alcohol ,drugs ,and any harmful substance would be illegal and nobody could manufacture it. There would still be time for family friends and fun, so kids could just be kids while they were. The whole nation will be equal in their vote no matter their color or race. World problems would be solved by people voting representatives to solve them. Just like our nation now.

  6. A perfect world in my opinion would have perfect citizens who know their responsibilities. Citizens would follow the rules, help one another, defend their countries, and make the right choices. Things such as drugs and alcohol would be eliminated to keep people from causing harm to their bodies. This perfect world shall live in perfect harmony with no sufferings. Everyone will have access to water and food. Everyone will have clothes to wear and all diseases will have a cure to them.

  7. My version of a perfect world is a world with out crime or poverty. crimes would just not be committed by the people. and everything would be free so people don't have to worry about money. also neighbors would help each other when they needed and basically everyone is nice to each other. that is my version of a perfect society.

  8. In my mind the perfect society would involve no bullying, many people would not have choice so then people cant make mistakes. Also people would still be able to choose their jobs because no one knows yourself better then you. One thing that would be removed is war. This would solve a major problem in the world. Unfortunately no matter what you add or take away from society, you would not be able to remove the worlds problems.

  9. In my opinions, a perfect world would be one without wars, disagreements, violence, riots, chaos, and differences that exist among people ;everyone should be treated with fairness, and with equal respect and honor...for example, rich and wealthy people, celebrities, and famous people shouldn't receive more attention than poor people born into or is living in a poor and developing place or environment. Things like rules that favor a group over another, irresponsible and weak leaders, and people that cause chaos should be eliminated or taken out. Things that should be added includes: a better framework of the government, strong and responsible leaders, and rules that gives poor people some more opportunity. I would take the world's problem very very very seriously, and I wouldn't handle it personally or by myself. I would call together some powerful, strong, and intelligent leaders to provide me with advice based on their knowledge.

  10. If I created a perfect society it would be different from how we work today. For starters I would get rid of guns and only officers and hunters, hunting would be a trained profession, can use guns with a permit. I would add a law that requires each person in the community to have a job. If they can not find one that suits them they can go to a lower job area for people who need part-time jobs so they can search for a better job. A problem I see today is pollution so I would make a law that once every month no one is allowed to go out in a car and use polluting chemicals. They can ride a bike or go outside and play, but all facilities except important ones like Hospitals and Fire Stations can be open and only vehicles like Fire Trucks and Ambulances are allowed on the street. My idea of a perfect community is a place where no one is scared to do anything and there is no violence. The air is crisp and clear and its always nice. That is my vision of a perfect society.

  11. I think the community is on the right track to being perfect, but some rights you can't take away. I don't think taking color away will have people make bad decisions, and since everyone is so scared to break the rules, being mean is sorta like blaspheme. And listening on to everyone's private conversations seems like a common sense thing that you don't do. The community can try to be a little less conservative, but it's not too bad.

  12. The Giver's perfect society is a very advanced society. For my perfect society, I would probably keep the "Sameness" just so no one can feel left out or different. Although it may seem cruel, violence can destroy a society because violence is mainly based on doing something to hurt someone who is different. There would be no reason for violence because no one would do anything out of the ordinary. But, regarding personal enjoyment, it would take most of the fun out of life to be unique and different. There is a lot to live for in life, but a perfect Utopian society would take a lot of the reasons to live away. I would also change the type of government to communism because everyone should be equal. Although it won't be an enjoyable society, that would be the price to pay for a perfect society.

  13. My idea of a perfect world would be where everyone would get along with each other, where people don't judge each other, or where people accept each other no matter what who they are or what they're like. A perfect world to me would be where everything is clean; the roads/streets, parks, attractions, etc.. Where people can live peacefully and anyone can get a job. Things that I would eliminate are poverty and war. Things I would add are more opportunities for jobs, and laws. I would create more laws and better laws, try to have no litter/debris everywhere, and peace/no war. This would be my idea of a perfect world.

  14. For me a perfect world would be adding and eliminating a lot of things that are in our world today. Things I would be adding to make a perfect world would be to add a lot more jobs. There are a lot of unemployed people who need to be working. Another thing they need to add are more food. There are a lot of people who only eat bread and water and starve for weeks while some people have mountains of food enough to last them a few months. All I am am trying to say is people need to share the food they eat. There should be a lot more food drives to give food to the needy.
    Things that should be eliminated from our world to make a perfect world are crime, and killing. These are two major things that are bad about our world and should be eliminated because they mostly happen to nice, innocent people who have done nothing to deserve that punishment. If they were to eliminate that it would make our world a better place to live in.

  15. I think a perfect world is one without war and discrimination. No one would ever argue and peace would be everywhere always. I would add harsher punishments for discrimination and murders. Also, I would put up better borders between countries to ensure that no one illegally enters a place because that can cause discrimination. I would eliminate guns and ammo and stop their production. Without guns, there could not be war, murder would be decreased, and hunting would be eliminated. I would solve the world's problems by ruling other countries to stop arguments and having better communication systems from country to country.

  16. I have ideas of what a perfect world would be like. I would eliminate hunger and poverty from my society. These are two major things that plague our society today, and they aren't good. Without hunger or poverty, people would be happy and excepted. I would also eliminate as much crime as possible in order to keep people safe. One thing that I would add is housing for every person. A place to live is very important, and just something as simple as a home can help someone out a huge amount. Some things we have in our society, like the freedom of speech and religion and the ability to express yourself as you want are part of my idea of a perfect world. To take care of the world's problems, I would just try to offer as much help as possible without conflict. My perfect world would have little or no war. Our society today is far from perfect, but I have ideas for a perfect world.

  17. A perfect world would be that there would be a strong ruling government above us that, though they have a lot of power, they would care for the people. Also, I would want the education to be more diverse at an earlier age maybe around 1st or 2nd grade. I would want the options to vary a lot from self defense techniques to basic, and I mean very basic, engineering practices. I feel would prefer children better for a large a variety of jobs,and also it would suit more to the children's interest as well. I also believe that in a perfect world there shouldn't be any poverty or people living in poor conditions. I also believe that there shouldn't be people with obesity problems so the government should be controlling portion sizes and that kind of thing. That was my idea of a perfect world.

  18. A Perfect World in my opinion would be colorful skies and surroundings with rich hues, songs and laughter filling the air with happiness, disease and hunger would be a foreign term to all residents, numerous population would exist without hesitation. War and greed would be eliminated from the world. Technology would be put into place to convince people of niceness. Sameness would be disapproved but technology that didn't even allow them to think of bad things to do would be encouraged and put into place. The worlds main problem right now is hunger, water, and poverty. Hunger would be fixed with genetically enhanced food that was abundant and kept you satisfied longer. A water converter, that transfers salt water into clean water would be manufactured so that each house could get water straight from the sea. Poverty would be fixed by the already same housing and jobs of people so no one could be poor and left out in the streets.

  19. The community in “The Giver” tries to make a perfect society by taking away thing that don’t make it perfect and adding things that do. My idea of a perfect society is a society where everyone is happy. To make this possible there would have to be changes like things wouldn’t be so expensive and people wouldn’t have bills or taxes. Also the world wouldn’t be polluted, plus there would be no crime.

  20. Everybody has there own idea of a perfect world. In my perfect society there would be equality for all. no matter what. If someone had something that set them apart like being socially impaired they would be praised for their difference not ridiculed. There would also be no war and famine and everybody could get enough to eat. There would be more schools and jobs for the less fortunate. All this could actually happen if everyone helped out and did their best with it.

  21. My idea of a perfect society would be that every thing is for the most part perfect. In my society I would eliminate all hunger and make sure it never happens. I would get ride of this because the society would not be able to thrive if it's citizens were hungry. Another thing I would eliminate is that fact that jobs don't all make the same amount of money. I would get rid of this because if all jobs made the same amount of money there wouldn't be as many homeless or poor people. Also I would get rid of the age to work laws. If people want to learn how to work while they are younger they should be able to. Things that I would a stronger police force. I would want this because the world is a lot better off with no crime. Also a would make education a primary idea because, people would are more smart are a much greater benefit than people who aren't smart. To solve the worlds problems I would hire a council of people to decide how to fix the problem.
