Period 1- Perfect World
The community in The Giver tries to replicate a perfect society. Describe in detail your idea of what a perfect world would be like. What things would be eliminated? What things would be added? How would you take care of the world’s problems?
In a perfect society, nobody would bully anyone and people would always have food and money. People would always have what they needed, not go to school or work, and not have to pay taxes. People would be nice and help other if they need it. Everyone would know everyone and would not shoot or threaten people. There would be no rules, and parents would have no power over children. It would never rain and only be sunny, or snow. The kids would not go to school. They would be sealed off.
ReplyDeleteIm my mind a perfect world would have warfare,hunger,crime, and illness eliminated. I would add in advanced medications and better communication with outside countries and continents. So there would be no world hunger or warfare in the perfect world i imagine.
ReplyDeleteIn the Giver, they have a very bland idea of "perfect". They have no freedom of expression, or speech. They can't even see color. My idea of a perfect society is pretty much the opposite. I imagine a place where everyone has total freedom, and can express themselves. I think the ideal society would have no bullies or judgmental people. There are a lot of people who are un-accepting, and I think in order to create a perfect society, it would definitely have to be one that was free of judgement. I think to live in happiness, you have to be able to share who you are with everyone, and not be afraid to show who you are. I would take care of the problems by holding meetings, and let everyone decide what was the best for the community. Things would be much different then how it is in Jonas's community in The Giver.
ReplyDeleteMy idea of a perfect society has color, entertainment, recreation, excitement, job opportunities, and more! It wouldn't be boring. There would be something for everyone there. Things I would add to the community in "The Giver" would be more playgrounds, excitement and color, a swimming pool, a theater, different house designs, weddings, and more job options. Things that I would eliminate are the putting together of spouses (I think that people should join on their own), the Ceremony of Tweleves (people in my community would start work at an older age and be able to choose their own job), and the job of a Birthmother. In my community, we would have a mayor and Congress to help with our world's problems. They would protect the people.
ReplyDeleteMy idea of a perfect society would be that everyone can be themselves. No one is aloud to judge you because you're different. Also i believe in my perfect society, there should be no excessive federal power. For that to happen, we would have to eliminate powerful governments. We should keep some government power though so things don't get too out of hand. Things we would have to add are more friendly government officials. They would just make all that mess more enjoyable. I don't believe these little changes would solve the worlds problems though. I think for that to happen we would have to unite with more countries . This international bond would help people realize we all want the same thing, world peace. So thats my idea of what a perfect society would be like
ReplyDeleteMy idea of a perfect world would be a world where you never suffer. I would take away pain so people wouldn't feel hurt. I would add machines to take care of food so people would always be well fed and happy. I would take care of the world's problems my having an electronic system where every person in the world gets to vote on every decision being made.
ReplyDeleteNothing is perfect. No matter how hard people try to be perfect, it never happens. there are always flaws.Everyone expects people to be "perfect". There is no perfection in the world. Some people may view things as perfect, when others may feel differently. My idea of a perfect society is probably so different than other peoples'. A perfect society to me would be absolutely no bullying. That is such a big problem in our world, and it causes so many issues. If we could eliminate bullying, illness, and war, i honestly think any other obstacle wouldn't seem as tough. Those three things make up a huge part about how our world is not perfect. If people weren't afraid to stand out, that would be good too. The fact is, that people are afraid to stand out, because being different gets you made fun of sometimes. We make fun of things we don't understand. That is why sometimes, I hate this world. I would add happiness and love to those who don't get enough of it. Honestly, this world might be a better place if people knew that they are loved.
ReplyDeleteThe Giver is about the idea of having such a "prefect" society. I think that if I were to have a society, it would be my own idea of "perfect." I would let everyone chose what they want, examples would be their job, transportation, shelter, food supply, clothing, appearance, etc. However, if their choices led to chaos or disruption of the community, there would be consequences, example would be fines, jail, community hours, etc. The community would have such great technology that there would be no coal, gas, food, water, etc. shortages. Last but not least, the buildings would be very safe and be floating in air. I'm not really sure why I want them i mid air, but I can picture it to be pretty aewsome. As you can see, my city would be one rockin' city to live in.
ReplyDeleteMy idea of a perfect world would include purple everywhere along with food and everybody is trained in dance. I would eliminate mean people from my perfect world. I'd also eliminate animals (insects/bugs included) because I really do not like animals. I'd also eliminate terrible school hours. School would start at 10 and end 2 because only math, language arts, social studies, and science would be required. Every 4 weeks, there'd be a week break. More purple would be added to every household. Of course there would still be rules, but some may be slightly altered so that there is less war and more peace. And since this is a perfect world, there would be little to no problems.
ReplyDeleteA perfect world would be without pain, suffering, and war. A would that does not bring harm to its own people. A perfect world would have tranquility, liberty, and freedom, A world where its people would be happy to be in. Where our land would be free from all intruders. A world that can strive without war. Without having to suffer from pain or anything else. It would be a world that would be perfect for all people and things. To have friends and family to share the world with would be a happy and grateful community and to have that world would be nothing more than extraordinary.
ReplyDeleteIn the novel The Giver the community tries to replicate a perfect society. Although
ReplyDeletetheir idea of a perfect society is much different than mine. In my mind a perfect society would be peaceful. I would eliminate poverty, animal abuse, adultry, hunger and homeless. I would want the society to be fair and that no one has their rights taken away from them. In my society additional things would be added then the ones we have today. I would change the age that you are considered an adult to age 16 and i would allowed mature teens to get their driver licsense earlier. I would also add more schools so that ALL children get a good education. In schools that are added there will be plentiful supplies and programs fitted for every student. In order to take care of the worlds problems i would set up a good economic system and try to eliminate debt since most of our problems come from economics. I would not allow war in my community unless there is no other way to solve a conflict. In my society people will be allowed to keep their memories and everyone will know what the leaders of the community are doing. The citizens of my society will be well informed and know at all times what is going on. That is what my perfect society would be like.
If my community would become "perfect", then things would have to take place. One thing would be that houses would have to become identical to each other. Things like that. Another thing that would change is the communities' diet. The people of the community would have to eat the same foods and drink the same drinks. Maybe the last major change would be that everyone is treated the same and acts the same. This would cause for a disciplinary act on the community, especially kids. Some minor stuff would be that a family can only have 3 kids. I say this because therefore, many of the kids would have friends, and no one is left out. In the beginning, if you have more than 3 kids, then you can keep them, but from there out, you must have 3 children. The reason for no one is left out is somewhat vital to the world's problems. Sometimes, people go insane, or maybe just feel like they have no on. Therefore, they will always have someone to talk to.
ReplyDeleteIn a perfect world, everyone would have a peaceful mentality and viewpoint. They will not be selfish, and will do things for the best interest of themselves and others. Everyone will be provided with an education, and everyone will be given good paying jobs with benefits. Before having children, the couple will have to qualify to be able to have a child, or adopt one. Everyone will embrace each others differences, and opinions, and accept them. Nothing is done to hurt or make life difficult for others. There will be peace amongst countries, and states. Everyone can choose to be whoever they want, and will gain full support as long as the job or aspiration is helpful, or contributes to society in some sort. No one in the world has bad intentions, because they were raised to help others, no harm others. Those who do want to commit harm will be put in treatment centers.
ReplyDeleteBad thoughts, and ideas will be eliminated from a person's mind, (thoughts of destruction, violence, etc)
The world problems will be controlled by officers, but there is barely any, because leaders aren't corrupt, and everything is done for the people.
My idea of a perfect society includes a sturdy government, absolutely no crime, no storms, no citizens left without homes, and never ending supplies for all people living in this community. In this perfect community, all criminals will undergo a mental evaluation and doctors will "fix" their behavior so that no person will have to be sentenced to death or placed under arrest. And for the homeless, homes will be provided by the government for their shelter and care. And so that our government doesn't crumble, the citizens will be able to print money legally. Supplies will never go short in this community. Our shelves are always stocked with homegrown foods and our utensils and furniture are hand crafted by little people living underground. That ladies and gentleman is my idea of a perfect community.
ReplyDeleteIn a perfect world money would be eliminated because money causes greed and jealousy which causes people to do things that they wouldn't normally do. People would just give people things and everybody helps each other. There would be no such thing as a Great Depression if money didn't exist. I would also eliminate capitol punishment because you have the hazard of killing someone who didn't commit a crime. I would limit weapons to the very minimum. Weapons that are in houses are supposed to be used for protection but in America they are used in brutal crimes so I would limit the use of weapons. I would make sure that everyone gets an education and that everyone gets a chance at what they want to become. If it was a perfect world there would not be poverty and starvation.Everyone would have suitable housing instead of some people living in mansions and some people barely making it in a tiny apartment. Everyone would have there voices heard and get to debate changes and these changes/thoughts wouldn't get discarded but they would be heard and dealt with. To take care of the world's problems there would have to be a democracy. There would be a president and senates and representatives. But democratic and republican sides would be diminished. We shouldn't be voting for sides but for a good president. There would be a jail for people who commited crimes and institutions for people who had problems. I think the world would be a perfect place if the world was like this.
ReplyDeleteIn The Giver, the community tries to make a perfect utopia. But in reality, you couldn't make it perfect because nothing is perfect. No matter what, there will always be a flaw in the world because everyone is different, and they are all titled to their own opinions. Of course, there are a lot of things I'd like to change in this world, but nothing would make it perfect.
ReplyDeleteIn my perfect world, individual nations would be dissolved and there would be one global civilization headed by a group of people, democratically elected, equally representing each part of the world, with representation determined by population. I would take away all fossil fuel energy sources and replace them with clean energy sources, such as wind and solar power. There would be no standing army. We would settle disputes and conflicts with negotiations and deals, not warfare. There would, however, be a police force to stop crime within our borders. We would, unlike the society in the Giver, celebrate everyone's differences. There would be free healthcare all across the globe, paid for by taxes from the citizens. Everyone would be taxed equally.