1st Period
Welcome to 8th grade! This year will be full of many challenges, learning new things, friends, and fun activities. I hope that your year has gotten off to a successful start. This is your year to shine! Make the most of your opportunities to learn and grow as a successful person in society. What are your goals? What things can you start doing now to help you reach those goals? Do you foresee any obstacles that may become a challenge? Please explain your answers in paragraph form. Thank you! :)
5th period Ethan Sharpe
ReplyDeleteThis year had an AWESOME start. All my friends are in my classes, have all nice teachers, and got the electives I wanted. My goal for this year is be the best student and friend I can be, and also to be at the top of all my classes. Things that I will start doing is studying harder, taking better notes, and thinking more about my work. If they're any thing that stands in my way it has to be: being a very good,loyal, and trustworthy friend. It not about just being a good student, but to me its also about have a very close relationship with my friends at school. Being friendly is a thing that is apart of me, and I be friendly to people that hate me and to people that don't hate me. It's a thing I love to do to EVERYONE. Besides that I don't really have any challenges to face this year.(maybe math :D) 8th grade is gonna be a blast and a totally fun year!
5th period Ethan Sharpe
ReplyDeleteThis year had an AWESOME start. All my friends are in my classes, have all nice teachers, and got the electives I wanted. My goal for this year is be the best student and friend I can be, and also to be at the top of all my classes. Things that I will start doing is studying harder, taking better notes, and thinking more about my work. If they're any thing that stands in my way it has to be: being a very good,loyal, and trustworthy friend. It not about just being a good student, but to me its also about have a very close relationship with my friends at school. Being friendly is a thing that is apart of me, and I be friendly to people that hate me and to people that don't hate me. It's a thing I love to do to EVERYONE. Besides that I don't really have any challenges to face this year.(maybe math :D) 8th grade is gonna be a blast and a totally fun year!
This year, my goals are to study more and try hard to get straight A's again. To achieve these goals, I can do one of many things. I can stay more focused, I can write down everything that might be important, or I can do everything possible to do all of my homework and study hard. There's only one thing that can stop me, and that's me. As long as I stay focused and do my work I should be fine. This year should be just fine as soon as I complete this task.
ReplyDeleteFinally! 8th Grade is here! I've been waiting to be the among the oldest kids in the school. I do have a few goals that I wish to meet, that will make this year memorable and successful. Number one, I hope to be able to concentrate and study during the week. I also wish to stay more organized than last year. Last year, I had messy notes and binders and it brought my downfall whenever I had to study for a test. Another hope that I have for this year is to learn to read non-fiction. I've grown up reading nothing but fiction books, and at this point in my life I think that its about time to open myself up to different kinds of books. On that note, I do believe there are a few things I can start doing now to help me reach those goals. For one, I can take the notes that I already have and organize those. I can also make sure to keep my handwriting and notes neat and tidy. However, I don't think there is much I can do for my reading of non-fiction books until we visit the library. Although this is just a small amount of goals and things that seem easy enough to do to achieve those goals, I can see some things that will make achieving those goals a challenge. They're mostly distractions at home or in the classroom. Sometimes in class during particularly boring lessons, I tend to lose focus and think about random stuff until I'm completely lost. At home, the internet is a constant distraction that often makes me forget about work for sometimes even an hour. Although these obstacles are difficult to get around, I know that if I stay focused and persevere throughout the year, then I will hopefully be successful.
ReplyDeleteI am excited to be in 8th grade. I have had a great start for this grade. All of my teachers are nice, and they seem like their classes are going to be fun. I am up to the challenges that are coming my way. My goals this year are to try out for the plays, and, hopefully, I'll make them. I am also hoping to get straight A's and learn much more information to make me a smarter person. I am going to try my best and hardest even more now this year than I did last year to reach these goals. In fact, I tried out for "The Snow Queen" today. I am hoping that my efforts will pass and tat I will get into plays and straight A's. Some obstacles I see coming for me are my stage fright/my nerves and that I might not understand some of the content we are learning. I hope that the rest of my school year is just as good as the beginning.
ReplyDeleteI am excited to be in 8th grade. I have had a great start for this grade. All of my teachers are nice, and they seem like their classes are going to be fun. I am up to the challenges that are coming my way. My goals this year are to try out for the plays, and, hopefully, I'll make them. I am also hoping to get straight A's and learn much more information to make me a smarter person. I am going to try my best and hardest even more now this year than I did last year to reach these goals. In fact, I tried out for "The Snow Queen" today. I am hoping that my efforts will pass and tat I will get into plays and straight A's. Some obstacles I see coming for me are my stage fright/my nerves and that I might not understand some of the content we are learning. I hope that the rest of my school year is just as good as the beginning.
ReplyDeleteOne of my goals in life is have Ph.D. in a mathematics field since I really enjoy math. I also hope to be fluent in Spanish because it could open me up to new job opportunities as well as social and travel opportunities. Another one of my goals is to travel to a lot of places especially Italy since I am mostly Italian. In order to accomplish these goals I will have to work hard in school, and hopefully graduate towards the top of my high school class. In addition to making good choices, I need to stay focused on my goals. An obstacle that could get in my way of accomplishing my goals is not knowing exactly what math field I want to pursue.
ReplyDeleteMy goals for this year is to improve my handwriting and get better at spelling and reading. My reading skill is already pretty good, but there is always room for improvement. I would very much like to start writing neater because it has always been a struggle for me to write neat and would like to improve it. Another problem I have is misspelling words and I need to improve it.
ReplyDeleteI can start now with writing neater on a daily basis in other classes, Social Studies, Math, Spanish, etc.. To start improving my reading skill I can start by reading at home. To improve my spelling I can start with spelling out random words.
Something that may stop me from completing my goal is me maybe giving up on my goals. What I usually tend to do is give up on some goals, but I am hoping this year will be different. :)
My goals for the year are to keep my grades up high and to participate in as many in/out of school activities as possible. I have already been added into NJHS and I am the treasurer officer! I dont have any issues with school so, I’m excited to start a new year! (i dont know why my name shows up as tiger2 when I signed into my google account. I hope it doesnt show up like that. :( ) -Melissa Pallen
ReplyDeleteI really do hope I will be a successful student this year and just have an awesome year in general. My goals this year are to keep up my straight A's and never procrastinate while also keeping up with both of my softball teams and choir programs. Some things that I'm planning on doing to do reach these goals are to get better with my time management skills and also multitask. For example, I plan on accomplishing about seventy-five to eighty-five percent of my homework during show choir or chamber choir and then finish the rest when I get home from softball practice or a game. Though, I do think some nights will have many conflicts depending how much homework I get that night, to what time rehearsal is over, to what time softball starts and ends, and on top of all that, I still need to sleep. So, I think I can handle it, but I know there will be those kinds of nights this year. Even though it will get tough, I'm looking forward to the challenge and I'm really hoping all this conflict makes me stronger student, musician, and athlete.