As you can tell from the story, the community in The Giver is quite different than the community we live in. From what you have read about it so far, would you want to live in that community? Why or why not? Explain your answer.
The community from The Giver is not the place where I want to be. It seems to strict and the people are believing that they don't know things such as real animals, but their "comfort objects" are visual examples of animals. Also if someone is late to an event, they must state their apology and reason why they were present after the appropriate time. The rule that really bothered me was being careful about speech. Taken freedom of speech for granted in the United States, it becomes difficult to go back and not have the right of saying whatever I want. Also the rule of having to share personal emotions and feelings invades my privacy and somethings are deemed personal to me that I would not wish to share to anyone even if we share close relation. Therefore I would not like to live in the community that is taking place in The Giver.
I would not want to live in the community mentioned in the giver. First, you can't even raise your own kids. They are put in the nurture center until the next December and then given to a family and named. I would want to name them. If you did by chance get to be picked to have children it was three in three years and then you were to become a laborer. You would never see the children again. You wouldn't even have a family. Another reason is you don't pick who you marry or what your job is. It is all picked by the elders. You even need to apply to have a child picked for you. I would want to marry a person because of love. Not because they were picked for me. I want to pick a job that I think is best at the time and then have time to grow and change my job and interest. As far as I know, you can't change your job later in life. Its all you do after you turn twelve. You also have to apply for a child to be given to you. You can have it or go adopt it. It is given to you and you couldn't pick the name. I would want the honor of naming my child. Finally, they have weird things they do for volunteer hours. Sometimes, they have to bathe the elderly and they think nothing of it. They even think it is normal. I would never want to do it for a random person I don't know. Therefore, I do not want to live in this community.
From what I've read in the story 'The Giver', living in that community would be a living NIGHTMARE. For starters, there are way too many rules. I probably would not be able to live in the community anyway due to all the rules. Most of them I have broken myself, and more than once. Secondly, in the story you have to do things I definitely would not want to do. From telling your family your feelings to washing an old naked lady, things in 'The Giver' aren't the most pleasant things to do. I probably would be breaking the rules while obeying the rules, such as telling my family how I feel. Therefore, living in the community 'The Giver' has to offer is a most definite no-no.
I would not want to live in this community. I say this because it seems like everything has an order to it and everything has to be done a certain way. I wouldn't like this because you have no freedom, no room for creativity, and no individuality. We are all different, and that's what keeps every day interesting. In this community, everyone is the same. I think living here, doing the same thing every day would get boring. Also, if you make a mistake you get released from the community. This seems like a very harsh punishment because everyone makes mistakes. Plus, if you are different from other people, you are viewed as wrong. In addition, you are given your family, spouse, and job. Those three things are important in life and are your decisions. However in the community, other people make these decisions for you. I would dislike this because you need to pick your own career, one that you will like doing every day. You also need to pick your own spouse because you can't just be forced to like and live with someone that you don't. Finally, I wouldn't like that we are to do and receive specific things at each age. This would get annoying, and I like to make my own decisions about when I'm ready to ride a bike or when I don't need my stuffed animal. In conclusion, I would not want to live in this community.
I would not want to live in the community from The Giver. I wouldn't want to live in the the community because there are some things that I don't like about their community. One thing I don't like about their community is how people are assigned a job. If I didn't get a job that I liked, it would be real bad because I wouldn't be doing something I enjoy doing for most of my life. Another reason why I wouldn't want to live in the community from The Giver is that if you weren't "normal" as a baby, it could lead to you being released as a baby, which I think is pretty cruel to do to someone that is just a baby, so I wouldn't want to live in that community. That's why I wouldn't want to live in the community from The Giver.
From what I read from the book, The Giver, I would not want to live in this community. I would not want to live in this community because you are considered to be perfect. To be a perfect community, you have to enforce strict rules. In, The Giver, you weren't allowed to ride a bike before you were a Nine. Moreover, you were given a number when you were born such as number twenty. Also, each newborn was assigned an name and the Birthmother wasn't the real mother of the child; it was an assignment that was given to you by the Elders' observations. Finally, I wouldn't want to live in this community because you have to express your feeling every evening at the dinner table. Even though, I am very open with my parents, I sometimes like to keep my emotions to myself. Therefore, I wouldn't want to live in a community in the book, The Giver.
I would not like to live in this community. First and foremost, I don't like how the rules are. It would annoy me if I had to express my feelings every night to my entire family. And it's not like you could lie about how your feelings because it's against the rules. I also don't like how a family needs to have one girl and one boy. On top of that those aren't even the parents real kids. There is a job called a Birthmother!. It seems very unfair that the parents didn't choose to marry each other as well. If my family lived in this community, we would not be the same and I wouldn't change anything about my family, regardless how of annoying my siblings may be sometimes. The fact that kids can't enjoy their life by the time they reach twelve years old is something else I don't like. I know I wouldn't want to start the career for the rest of my life when I turned twelve. We still should have time to decide what we want to do. I don't think someone should choose your career for you. All in all, I would not want to live in the community in The Giver.
In class, we recently started a novel called “The Giver” that has a community with what seems like, an entirely different mindset on human behavior, ways of life, and pretty much everything else. From what we have read throughout class there are many differences you can pull out of the story almost immediately. The way Jonas at the age he is threw me off, he is so respectful with such annoying rules and daily routines its driving me crazy just reading about because of how different we are. I definitely would not want to live in such a boring community with such strict rules. I would not ever want to live here because i’m so familiar with the ways of life and rules around me i’d probably get released within the hour i’d arrive to the community. This community just seems too good to be true in my eyes. The peace would be good but not with all the weirdness.
From what I have read about the community in The Giver, I would not want to live there. The reason for this is that you aren't allowed to make your own decisions. Despite my mother just being a mom, I'm able to make some of my own decisions. An example is that I'm able to play whatever sport I want, which is softball. I also get to choose what to do after I get home from school, what to eat as a snack, etcetera. But later in life, I'll get to choose who I want to marry and if I want to have children. If I lived in the community in The Giver, I wouldn't be able to choose if I wanted to do those things. It would pretty much be forced upon me.
And you get assigned a job in the community in The Giver. You get placed in a spot in society. I know that people are very rarely disappointed with their Assignments, but with my luck, I'd be the one person that gets put EXACTLY where they don't want to be.
From what i have read so far in the book 'The Giver', I would not want to live in this community. It should be pretty obvious. This community has too many restrictions. I don't like having restrictions and having to always constantly follow rules. Also, people don't get third chances when they brake a rule so that wouldn't be good either. The community I live in today is just fine and I want it to stay this way. There is not many restrictions but there is a few common sense restrictions for me. For example, I cannot drive a car obviously. Therefore, I would not want to live in a community like in the book
I don't think I would want to live in the community in "The Giver." I wouldn't want to because there are many rules. Also, every night, the families have to share their feelings with each other so that they can talk about it. I don't think I would like doing that very much. Finally, everyone born in the same year has the same birthday. No one lives with their birthmother, and you can only have two children, one boy and one girl. I'm not a fan of these rules and procedures, and I think now I like living in our world better than I did before, now that I see what other people have in their lives.
The community in The Giver is very different than the community we live in today. I would not want to live in the community in The Giver. Their community seems to have so many rules. It is one of their methods of maintaining a utopia, and they do need the rules in order to keep the utopia. However, some of the rules seem much too strict. Also, the community seems too sheltered. Everything is simply laid out for them. The members of the community barely need to think for themselves, as they are assigned to their lives, instead of having to create their lives themselves, as we have to do in our community. With the ability to create our own lives in our community, it provides us much more freedom and creativity. We can have whatever family we choose, any number of kids, and marry whoever we choose. We are able to choose the path of career we wish to pursue in our lives, instead of having it assigned to us. Therefore, I prefer the community in which I live today, because I enjoy the freedom we are given.
From what I've read so far, the community in The Giver seems like it has many rules that each citizen must follow. I’m not sure I would enjoy living in such a place since most of the rules don’t seem that fair. For example, the members of the community are given a family unit instead of choosing one. Also, the people are given jobs. These are things people should be able to choose, but in this community the members do not get a say in either of these important decisions. Another reason I would not enjoy living in this community is because people get released after just three mistakes. I don’t believe this is fair since pretty much everyone makes mistakes. This community in The Giver is a “perfect” community in which there are many strict rules that I do not believe would be easy to follow. Living in this community would be completely different than living in the community I live in now. Perhaps if I had grown up in this community, I would like it. Although, since I did not grow up in it, I do not feel like that community would be a good fit for me. I wouldn't fit into that community, and I would be too stressed when working to follow all of the rules that this community has. Therefore, I would not enjoy living in the community I started reading about in The Giver.
The Giver is a novel by Lois Lowry in which the narrator grows up in what we perceive as a dystopia. All of the people living in it are oblivious to the imperfections in this society due to them growing up in it and only know the society that they were born into. We have read about all of the strict rules, lack of choices, and the oddity of the frequent apologies. From what I have been read so far, I would not want to live in this community. There is an immense lack of free time, decision making, and "rule breaking". In my opinion, "rule breaking" is healthy for human nature as long as no major rules are broken. There is also not a lot of free time, which I do not like as well as there being not a lot of independence. The characters just seem to abide to whatever the "Speaker" or anyone tells them to do, they do not make their own decisions. For example, they do not choose their families, when to get bikes, which career path to take, whom to marry, and much more. This is why I would not like to live in that community.
I would not want to live in the community from the Giver because it seems like that community has too many rules and regulations to follow in order to live and not be released. It’s basic tasks, almost robotic; the things you do every repeat until you are of another age. It also seems like there is no freedom at all, and everything you do, its almost as if there are cameras set up everywhere and the people that run the community are watching you at all times. I could not live in a place where when you break a rule, or make a mistake, you don’t get a third chance; I can’t live in a place that makes you do quid pro quos - like completing a number of volunteer hours needed to get your assignment. I also wouldn’t like things being taken away from me when you become a different age - like when you become Eight, your comfort object gets taken away. Therefore, I would not be able to live in the community like the one in the book the Giver.
I wouldn't want to live in this community. This is because there are so many rules to be mindful of, I feel like it would be hard to remember all of them. This would not be a good situation because you don't get three chances of making mistakes. Also you do not get to decide anything for yourself. You are given a spouse and two kids. You are also given an occupation. Even though few people are disappointed with the job they are given it is still something important in a persons life.
I would not want to live I'm the community of the giver because even thought it is said to be a " utopia" there seems to be flaws. Also, there are so many rules and they are very struck about the smallest things such as bragging. Or riding a bicycle too young. You are also only to have two children, one boy and one girl. In addition, you are not even allowed to keep your baby if you were a birth mother. Therefore, I would not want to live in the community explained in the Giver.
The community in the book, The Giver, by Lois Lowry is a strict community that is structured by many rules and requirements. For example, if you ever feel any "feelings" or stirrings, you must report them and take a pill in order to rid them. You also have restrictions on when you get certain things, and whatever jobs you get. I wouldn't want to live in this world, because frankly, it's too controlling. In this world, you have no freedom and no ability to do whatever you want. You don't even get to choose your family. Everything that I love to do (traveling, reading books, playing sports, sleeping) are all restricted and controlled. Also, everything that I would like to do (move out, go to college, get married) would be impossible to do. Additionally, having no internet would reallyreally suck. There is no freedom, no creativity, and no choices you can make on your own. This is why I wouldn't want to live in this community.
The community from The Giver is not the place where I want to be. It seems to strict and the people are believing that they don't know things such as real animals, but their "comfort objects" are visual examples of animals. Also if someone is late to an event, they must state their apology and reason why they were present after the appropriate time. The rule that really bothered me was being careful about speech. Taken freedom of speech for granted in the United States, it becomes difficult to go back and not have the right of saying whatever I want. Also the rule of having to share personal emotions and feelings invades my privacy and somethings are deemed personal to me that I would not wish to share to anyone even if we share close relation. Therefore I would not like to live in the community that is taking place in The Giver.
ReplyDeleteI would not want to live in the community mentioned in the giver. First, you can't even raise your own kids. They are put in the nurture center until the next December and then given to a family and named. I would want to name them. If you did by chance get to be picked to have children it was three in three years and then you were to become a laborer. You would never see the children again. You wouldn't even have a family. Another reason is you don't pick who you marry or what your job is. It is all picked by the elders. You even need to apply to have a child picked for you. I would want to marry a person because of love. Not because they were picked for me. I want to pick a job that I think is best at the time and then have time to grow and change my job and interest. As far as I know, you can't change your job later in life. Its all you do after you turn twelve. You also have to apply for a child to be given to you. You can have it or go adopt it. It is given to you and you couldn't pick the name. I would want the honor of naming my child. Finally, they have weird things they do for volunteer hours. Sometimes, they have to bathe the elderly and they think nothing of it. They even think it is normal. I would never want to do it for a random person I don't know. Therefore, I do not want to live in this community.
ReplyDeleteFrom what I've read in the story 'The Giver', living in that community would be a living NIGHTMARE. For starters, there are way too many rules. I probably would not be able to live in the community anyway due to all the rules. Most of them I have broken myself, and more than once. Secondly, in the story you have to do things I definitely would not want to do. From telling your family your feelings to washing an old naked lady, things in 'The Giver' aren't the most pleasant things to do. I probably would be breaking the rules while obeying the rules, such as telling my family how I feel. Therefore, living in the community 'The Giver' has to offer is a most definite no-no.
ReplyDeleteI would not want to live in this community. I say this because it seems like everything has an order to it and everything has to be done a certain way. I wouldn't like this because you have no freedom, no room for creativity, and no individuality. We are all different, and that's what keeps every day interesting. In this community, everyone is the same. I think living here, doing the same thing every day would get boring. Also, if you make a mistake you get released from the community. This seems like a very harsh punishment because everyone makes mistakes. Plus, if you are different from other people, you are viewed as wrong. In addition, you are given your family, spouse, and job. Those three things are important in life and are your decisions. However in the community, other people make these decisions for you. I would dislike this because you need to pick your own career, one that you will like doing every day. You also need to pick your own spouse because you can't just be forced to like and live with someone that you don't. Finally, I wouldn't like that we are to do and receive specific things at each age. This would get annoying, and I like to make my own decisions about when I'm ready to ride a bike or when I don't need my stuffed animal. In conclusion, I would not want to live in this community.
ReplyDeleteI would not want to live in the community from The Giver. I wouldn't want to live in the the community because there are some things that I don't like about their community. One thing I don't like about their community is how people are assigned a job. If I didn't get a job that I liked, it would be real bad because I wouldn't be doing something I enjoy doing for most of my life. Another reason why I wouldn't want to live in the community from The Giver is that if you weren't "normal" as a baby, it could lead to you being released as a baby, which I think is pretty cruel to do to someone that is just a baby, so I wouldn't want to live in that community. That's why I wouldn't want to live in the community from The Giver.
ReplyDeleteFrom what I read from the book, The Giver, I would not want to live in this community. I would not want to live in this community because you are considered to be perfect. To be a perfect community, you have to enforce strict rules. In, The Giver, you weren't allowed to ride a bike before you were a Nine. Moreover, you were given a number when you were born such as number twenty. Also, each newborn was assigned an name and the Birthmother wasn't the real mother of the child; it was an assignment that was given to you by the Elders' observations. Finally, I wouldn't want to live in this community because you have to express your feeling every evening at the dinner table. Even though, I am very open with my parents, I sometimes like to keep my emotions to myself. Therefore, I wouldn't want to live in a community in the book, The Giver.
ReplyDeleteI would not like to live in this community. First and foremost, I don't like how the rules are. It would annoy me if I had to express my feelings every night to my entire family. And it's not like you could lie about how your feelings because it's against the rules. I also don't like how a family needs to have one girl and one boy. On top of that those aren't even the parents real kids. There is a job called a Birthmother!. It seems very unfair that the parents didn't choose to marry each other as well. If my family lived in this community, we would not be the same and I wouldn't change anything about my family, regardless how of annoying my siblings may be sometimes. The fact that kids can't enjoy their life by the time they reach twelve years old is something else I don't like. I know I wouldn't want to start the career for the rest of my life when I turned twelve. We still should have time to decide what we want to do. I don't think someone should choose your career for you. All in all, I would not want to live in the community in The Giver.
ReplyDeleteIn class, we recently started a novel called “The Giver” that has a community with what seems like, an entirely different mindset on human behavior, ways of life, and pretty much everything else. From what we have read throughout class there are many differences you can pull out of the story almost immediately. The way Jonas at the age he is threw me off, he is so respectful with such annoying rules and daily routines its driving me crazy just reading about because of how different we are. I definitely would not want to live in such a boring community with such strict rules. I would not ever want to live here because i’m so familiar with the ways of life and rules around me i’d probably get released within the hour i’d arrive to the community. This community just seems too good to be true in my eyes. The peace would be good but not with all the weirdness.
ReplyDeleteFrom what I have read about the community in The Giver, I would not want to live there. The reason for this is that you aren't allowed to make your own decisions. Despite my mother just being a mom, I'm able to make some of my own decisions. An example is that I'm able to play whatever sport I want, which is softball. I also get to choose what to do after I get home from school, what to eat as a snack, etcetera. But later in life, I'll get to choose who I want to marry and if I want to have children. If I lived in the community in The Giver, I wouldn't be able to choose if I wanted to do those things. It would pretty much be forced upon me.
ReplyDeleteAnd you get assigned a job in the community in The Giver. You get placed in a spot in society. I know that people are very rarely disappointed with their Assignments, but with my luck, I'd be the one person that gets put EXACTLY where they don't want to be.
From what i have read so far in the book 'The Giver', I would not want to live in this community. It should be pretty obvious. This community has too many restrictions. I don't like having restrictions and having to always constantly follow rules. Also, people don't get third chances when they brake a rule so that wouldn't be good either. The community I live in today is just fine and I want it to stay this way. There is not many restrictions but there is a few common sense restrictions for me. For example, I cannot drive a car obviously. Therefore, I would not want to live in a community like in the book
ReplyDeleteI don't think I would want to live in the community in "The Giver." I wouldn't want to because there are many rules. Also, every night, the families have to share their feelings with each other so that they can talk about it. I don't think I would like doing that very much. Finally, everyone born in the same year has the same birthday. No one lives with their birthmother, and you can only have two children, one boy and one girl. I'm not a fan of these rules and procedures, and I think now I like living in our world better than I did before, now that I see what other people have in their lives.
ReplyDeleteThe community in The Giver is very different than the community we live in today. I would not want to live in the community in The Giver. Their community seems to have so many rules. It is one of their methods of maintaining a utopia, and they do need the rules in order to keep the utopia. However, some of the rules seem much too strict. Also, the community seems too sheltered. Everything is simply laid out for them. The members of the community barely need to think for themselves, as they are assigned to their lives, instead of having to create their lives themselves, as we have to do in our community. With the ability to create our own lives in our community, it provides us much more freedom and creativity. We can have whatever family we choose, any number of kids, and marry whoever we choose. We are able to choose the path of career we wish to pursue in our lives, instead of having it assigned to us. Therefore, I prefer the community in which I live today, because I enjoy the freedom we are given.
ReplyDeleteFrom what I've read so far, the community in The Giver seems like it has many rules that each citizen must follow. I’m not sure I would enjoy living in such a place since most of the rules don’t seem that fair. For example, the members of the community are given a family unit instead of choosing one. Also, the people are given jobs. These are things people should be able to choose, but in this community the members do not get a say in either of these important decisions. Another reason I would not enjoy living in this community is because people get released after just three mistakes. I don’t believe this is fair since pretty much everyone makes mistakes. This community in The Giver is a “perfect” community in which there are many strict rules that I do not believe would be easy to follow. Living in this community would be completely different than living in the community I live in now. Perhaps if I had grown up in this community, I would like it. Although, since I did not grow up in it, I do not feel like that community would be a good fit for me. I wouldn't fit into that community, and I would be too stressed when working to follow all of the rules that this community has. Therefore, I would not enjoy living in the community I started reading about in The Giver.
ReplyDeleteThe Giver is a novel by Lois Lowry in which the narrator grows up in what we perceive as a dystopia. All of the people living in it are oblivious to the imperfections in this society due to them growing up in it and only know the society that they were born into. We have read about all of the strict rules, lack of choices, and the oddity of the frequent apologies. From what I have been read so far, I would not want to live in this community. There is an immense lack of free time, decision making, and "rule breaking". In my opinion, "rule breaking" is healthy for human nature as long as no major rules are broken. There is also not a lot of free time, which I do not like as well as there being not a lot of independence. The characters just seem to abide to whatever the "Speaker" or anyone tells them to do, they do not make their own decisions. For example, they do not choose their families, when to get bikes, which career path to take, whom to marry, and much more. This is why I would not like to live in that community.
ReplyDeleteI would not want to live in the community from the Giver because it seems like that community has too many rules and regulations to follow in order to live and not be released. It’s basic tasks, almost robotic; the things you do every repeat until you are of another age. It also seems like there is no freedom at all, and everything you do, its almost as if there are cameras set up everywhere and the people that run the community are watching you at all times. I could not live in a place where when you break a rule, or make a mistake, you don’t get a third chance; I can’t live in a place that makes you do quid pro quos - like completing a number of volunteer hours needed to get your assignment. I also wouldn’t like things being taken away from me when you become a different age - like when you become Eight, your comfort object gets taken away. Therefore, I would not be able to live in the community like the one in the book the Giver.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't want to live in this community. This is because there are so many rules to be mindful of, I feel like it would be hard to remember all of them. This would not be a good situation because you don't get three chances of making mistakes. Also you do not get to decide anything for yourself. You are given a spouse and two kids. You are also given an occupation. Even though few people are disappointed with the job they are given it is still something important in a persons life.
ReplyDeleteI would not want to live I'm the community of the giver because even thought it is said to be a " utopia" there seems to be flaws. Also, there are so many rules and they are very struck about the smallest things such as bragging. Or riding a bicycle too young. You are also only to have two children, one boy and one girl. In addition, you are not even allowed to keep your baby if you were a birth mother. Therefore, I would not want to live in the community explained in the Giver.
ReplyDeleteThe community in the book, The Giver, by Lois Lowry is a strict community that is structured by many rules and requirements. For example, if you ever feel any "feelings" or stirrings, you must report them and take a pill in order to rid them. You also have restrictions on when you get certain things, and whatever jobs you get. I wouldn't want to live in this world, because frankly, it's too controlling. In this world, you have no freedom and no ability to do whatever you want. You don't even get to choose your family. Everything that I love to do (traveling, reading books, playing sports, sleeping) are all restricted and controlled. Also, everything that I would like to do (move out, go to college, get married) would be impossible to do. Additionally, having no internet would reallyreally suck. There is no freedom, no creativity, and no choices you can make on your own. This is why I wouldn't want to live in this community.