We have been reading Flowers for Algernon. Think about the characters in the story. Why do you think people often dislike anyone who is different from them? Explain your answer and give examples.
People often dislike people who are different because they do not understand what they are doing and it is easier to pick on them. Like in the story, Charlie's workmates often tease him and beat him up. They do this because Charlie isn't going to do anything about it because he thinks they are being nice and friendly.
I think that people that are different aren't accepted because everyone else wants to be around people that are like them. They like people that they can relate to and have stuff in common with. I enjoy being around people similar to me and different. If someone enjoys math and talks about math a lot then most likely someone who likes social studies won't get along to well. That doesn't mean they can't be friends at all, they may just have different opinions and feel like they may be arguing a lot. Another example would be if a person likes a certain sports team and someone else likes there rival. This often will spark some debate or a fight of some kind when watching the sport.
I think that people that are different aren't accepted because everyone else wants to be around people that are like them. They like people that they can relate to and have stuff in common with. I enjoy being around people similar to me and different. If someone enjoys math and talks about math a lot then most likely someone who likes social studies won't get along to well. That doesn't mean they can't be friends at all, they may just have different opinions and feel like they may be arguing a lot. Another example would be if a person likes a certain sports team and someone else likes there rival. This often will spark some debate or a fight of some kind when watching the sport.
I think that people often dislike people that are different then them because of the fear of the unknown. People are often scared of things that they are not used. People will then treat them badly because they could think that they are a lot worse then them and that they have power over them. Its based on the whole idea of the fear of the unknown.
I think people often dislike people who are different because they are a different religion or are not comfortable with them. Some examples are if a person is shy and people make fun of them.
People like ho dislike people who are different from them because they aren't meeting that person's standard, which makes them weird and different. People don't want to include themselves with those types of people because of what people may say. You may get judged by hanging out with a certain person. When people see you hanging with someone, they will exclude you because you are starting to become different. For example, in the movie "Radio", the main character starts to help Radio with his problems and starts to associate himself with Radio. Because of this, he is made fun of and his state of mind is questioned.
I think that people have this one picture of what a normal human being should like. I think they people know that everyone is different but for people like Charlie ,different has another meaning. When you think of different you think of religion ,height ,and athleticism. For Charlie I think different almost means he is far from human. I think people like Charlie are disliked because others feel that they can push them around and make fun of them without hurting their feelings. In the story Charlie's "friends" make a fool out of him buy having him mop toilets in front of girls. Another example is if a person knows his "friend is not a good singer but tells him to perform in the talent show just to make fun of him.
I think that people often don't like people who are different from them. They think of other people as "weird" or "different." They want to have friends that are like them more so then different. People want to be able to relate to each other as well. For example, sometimes sports teams like to sit with each other during school.
A lot of people will hate others that are different than them, disliking them based on their skin color, race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, and etc. In my opinions, people often dislike others that are or appears to be different from themselves because many people are afraid of causing more problem for themselves. For Instance, if there was a bully bullying another student many people will be bystanders and do nothing; because if they stood up for the victim they might be afraid that they will become the next target of the bully. Another example is that, in Flowers For Algernon people dislike Charlie because he was as they referred to a "retard" just because he is unintelligent and his brain functioned differently than theirs. My guess to why he is being disliked from others is the people doesn't want to be picked on or made fun of for being friends with Charlie. Not necessarily saying no one would stand up for them or give them a hand but not a lot of people want to get into conflict therefore many will choose to ignore or stay away from people that are different than them.
In flowers for algernon Charlie is different and no one really likes him. I think people often dislike people that are different because people normally like people like them. If some one is like them they can relate to them but if some one is different they might have a harder time relating to them and understanding them. If two people like the same sport they can relate to each other and understanding each others feelings about the sport. that is why i think people often dislike people who are different.
Some people just don't like to be friends with people that are entirely different from them. They think that the stuff they like is perfect and they think they are perfect. They just don't like different things that other people like. They think the stuff that people that are different from them like are stupid. They sometimes are jealous of other people that they hate. If other people like the other person, they can become jealous. So there are a variety of reasons of a person who dislikes a person that is different from them.
I think that people often dislike people who are different from them because they think that they are weird, so they even bother to get to know them. People are sometimes mean to people who are different because they might want to be like them. This could result to bullying, which is what happened to Charlie.
I think that people often dislike people who are different from them because they think that they are weird, so they even bother to get to know them. People are sometimes mean to people who are different because they might want to be like them. This could result to bullying, which is what happened to Charlie.
There are many reasons people don't like people that are different from them. One reason is that some people are just cruel, and get joy out of putting people down. They think that hurting people, and ruining them is funny. They will just get joy out of crushing someone's spirit. Another reason is, some people are insecure in themselves so they need to not like someone different so they can like themselves. Putting someone down, is like saying, "your better than them." To themselves. Another reason people don't like people that are different than them is that they are afraid of them. Someone different is scary to so some people, so they decide they don't like them out of fear. The final reason some people don't like people that are different from them is pre-formed prejudice, or a forced kind of prejudice. People may have been brought up to hate different people. While if their friend hates someone, or a "cool group" is against someone, people stop liking those people to fit in. So there are many reasons people don't like people that are different from them.
People often dislike people who are different from them because they do not understand the other person's feelings. If they were put in the other person's shoes they would understand that they are normal, just different from most people. They are so used to the kind of people they have encountered throughout their life that they find a new type of person weird because they are different. In Flowers for Algernon, Charlie's friends make fun of him. They only do this because they are not used to seeing people like Charlie. If someone in their families was like Charlie, they would understand the situation more and realize that it isn't right to make fun of him.
People often dislike a person who is different from them because they don't want to accept people. In Flowers For Algernon, Charlie is disliked because he's different. People find that differences are bad and those people should be avoided at all costs. For example, many people in schools will exclude students with special needs because they feel that they aren't "normal."
I think people often dislike people who are different because the way society looks at them. Today, people look at people with learning disabilities as "retarted", or slow. For example my Dad's company works with people who have learning disabilities and one of his clients go to college now to get a degree. Another example society looks at people who are different from them is we exclude them from groups. Because they might not have the same interests as other people we tend to exclude or push them away. Therefore, society plays a key factor on how we look at people who are different from us.
I think that people often dislike anyone who is different from them because they can not relate to them. If you can't relate to a person then you really can't understand them, so you also can't really like them. For example, if one person wears a t-shirt and sweatpants everyday and another person wears a fancy shirt and skinny jeans everyday then it is likely that they will not like each other. If someone also does not do what the "popular kids" are doing then many people will start to dislike them too. In Flowers for Algernon Charlie has trouble comprehending what is happening around him, so many people dislike him and act like his friends but really just are mean to him. Being different can definitely make people dislike you.
People often dislike people who are different from them. This is because they are used to people acting a certin way. If people don't act this way, they are considered werid or different. Some people can't help it. Others do it for attention. the people who can't help it often have some sort of disorder. For example, I once read about a character that just couldn't help shouting out unnessisary facts when ever he thought them. People made fun of him or groan when ever he would say them. Another example is Charlie from Flowers for Algernon. He wasn't as smart as everyone else and they made fun of him or pulled tricks on him. He thought they were his friends but they only kept him around for a good laugh. Charlie wanted to be smart but he couldn't seem to do it. people tend to either avoid or make fun of people who are different. They shouldn't do that. They are just like you or me with a few differences. Why can't people see that? Therefore, people often dislike what they don't understand.
I think people may dislike people because they're different because they think they may be better or smarter. Just because the person isn't as smart as them or has worse handwriting, people judge them. They think that they are smarter or better than them, they may think they have better style, handwriting, choices, hair, supplies, or pretty much anything. People might dislike people because the person is trying to show off or act cool. Some people might dislike people just because their handwriting is weird or bad or even if they just look different. Some examples could be that if someone has glasses and the person doesn't like people with glasses or people with braces or people that have a certain type of hair or what they wear. I think everyone should be fair to each other so nobody's judging and everyone feels good about themselves and nobody feels left out.
People often dislike people who are different from them because they probably had a bad history of those who are different from them. For example, people hate or get scared of things that happened to them in the past. My brother hates crickets because he hates how they jump towards you and my friend hates bugs the bite like mosquitoes, dragonflies, etc because he scared of get hurt.
The characters in, "Flowers for Algernon" are similar to real life people. I believe that people often dislike others that are different from them because their are no common interests. For instance, the friends that you have, you probably have the same interests as them. Another example is that in the story, "Flowers for Algernon", Charlie's "friends", never liked Charlie and were able to use him because he was mentally challenged.
In the story, "Flowers for Algernon," the main character Charlie Gordon is often judged and mistreated because of his learning disabilities. Charlie is even made fun of, and teased by the people he considers his friends, and he doesn't even know it. Today in society, I think there are a lot of people who are still made fun of for being different. What most don't see, though is that being different can be extraordinary. People dislike people for their differences, because it's abnormal to them. Maybe it's the way they dress, or talk, or communicate, or how they look. The "abnormal" people aren't wrong, they're just doing what they know how to do. These people stand out to us, because they are in one word, unique. Lots of people think its funny to make fun of and pick on these people, just because they aren't the same as everyone else. This is like how Charlie is treated in the story. Everyone looks down on him for not being smart, when really, he doesn't know any better. He's just doing what he knows. So he goes along with what everyone else says, even if they are judging him. In reality, the different people aren't the ones with the problem, it's the ones that point out the differences, that have the problem.
In " Flowers for Algernon" some of Charlie's "friends" make fun of him, however, he is unaware. Charlie isn't as smart as the rest of the people at his work. He doesn't have as good of an understanding about how life works and the social aspects of life as any normal person would. For this reason, some of the people at work take advantage of his lack of knowledge. He's different than them. They don't like it, or they like it too much. They use his absentmindedness to get him drunk and then beat him up. The thing that is different about Charlie is that he tries. He is such a motivated person, and his "friends" aren't as motivated as he is. Charlie has so much drive, and although he may not know what to do with it yet, he knows he will someday. He at least knows what to do with his life instead of making fun of those who may not be as intelligent as others. Being different shouldn't make you vulnerable to bullying. People should realize that everyone is different. Not one person is the same. Embrace your different, and be proud of who you are.
I think people can dislike people because they are different. This can happen because sometimes people don't realize that others can have so much potential just because they might have special need. The people who dislike others might not be thinking about them or what might be going on. Some people are just bullies and make fun of others because they aren't just like them. Others with special needs might be different in their own way, but you don't dislike them just because of that reason. People need to realize that everybody is equal and might have potential just like they do.
People who are differentare thought of as lepers, they are constantly alone, and no one tries to get to know them. If they come from a different place, people won't tink you know or like the same things. In Charlie's case his so called "friends" don't think he's smart ebough to what they're talking about or what they like. Or can do what they like to do. It's unfair to them, too. Victor Akintola
I think people often dislike anyone who is different from them because they are used to having people that are the same as them. If someone was different, the "normal" people would find that the other person is strange or weird, and they may not like people that are weird or strange. For example in Flowers for Algernon, Charlie's coworkers don't think of Charlie as a friend, and usually just make fun of him because he's mentally challenge. Charlie think's his coworkers are his friends, but in reality they most likely aren't because they always make fun of Charlie because he's different and doesn't understand the things they say. That's why I think people often dislike anyone that's different from them.
I believe that people often dislike people that are different because it is easy to find things to pick on. If someone is different they might wear clothes, shoes, or be interested in things that don't go along with current trends;making it easy to find things out of the ordinary. Most people are scared of change which causes them find anomalies of a person's character or personality. Such as a person with short hair is in a group of people with long hair they might stick out and be a target for bullying and exclusion. In Flowers for Algernon, Charlie is made fun of because he is mentally challenged and is oblivious to it all.
I think people often see someone that is different them because they just don't know what to say to the person even though they have many things in common. Such as the story you told about your son with the kid on his baseball team that was just trying to make some friends but he didn't know any better.
I think people often dislike anyone who is different from them because when someone is different from you, people don't always want to associate themselves with that person. For example, when you see a different looking food, you might not want to even touch it. I know I am like that, and people think the same way when they meet someone who is new and may be a little different from themselves. They could be thin-slicing them, which is when someone makes an assumption about someone else without getting to know them. Although this is not right, we all do it, especially when it comes to people who are different from us. Some people just may not know how to act when they are around other people who are different from themselves, so they might just say they dislike them because they might not know how to act or what to say around them. Just like Charlie, in "Flowers for Algernon", he is a victim of people being mean to him and disliking him because he is different, and he isn't the only one.
I think people dislike anyone who is different from them because of fear. People often fear what they don't understand, and picking on them might make them feel strong. This is probably the biggest reason that people dislike anyone who is different from them. Also, they might feel that the other person might be better than them, and they are envious of the differences. They might even be stupid things that they are jealous of, but even so, they still dislike the person for that. In the past, people disliked the Jews because they were different from others. It was because they were scared of them that they were discriminated against.
People may not like people who are different because they are considered "weird". People who are mentally challenged may not be liked because they act different or are slower than the majority of people.
I think that many people dislike other people who are different simply because they dont understand them. People may not understand why they learn and do things in a unique way from ordinary people. Even though no two people are the same, many may percieve a person that they don't as "weird" or "retarted" when in reality they are just unique human beings. For example, in Flowers For Algernon, Charlies fake friends made fun of him just because he wasn't as smart and didnt learn like they did. People often judge a book by it's cover and don't get to know the person after realizing they may be a little different than the next guy. I dont think its right to not like someone because they're different. I always try to like people until they give a real reason not to.
People dislike anyone who isn't like them. They don't like to stray from the normal, and want everyone who is different to stay away. Some people are scared of different people only because they aren't used to their differences. For example, the story, no one accepted Charlie for who he was. They just saw him as someone who has a disability. I think this is unfair to everyone who isn't like us, and we should accept people for who they are, not what they look like. Therefore, people often dislike anyone who is different from them for many reasons.
People often dislike someone else who is different from them for various reasons. One reason could be that people don't want to explain someone else something that they don't know because they think its too much effort. An example of this would be that a kid doesn't want to show another kid how to tie his/her shoes because it takes too much effort to teach them. This makes the kid who doesn't know how to tie his shoe seem bad. Another reason would be that people don't like others because they think others are better than them. This is an act of jealousy and it can be very common. For example, an unpopular kid can dislike the popular kid because they get all the friends they want while the unpopular kid is struggling to make barely a few friends. This makes the unpopular kid think that the popular kid is better than them and jealousy occurs. Therefore there are many reasons that people dislike someone else who is different from them including their level with others and the importance of one's time.
Fisayo Adeyina: It is not uncommon for people to be mean to someone when they're different. In the story, "Flowers for Algernon" Charlie is often made fun of because he is not as smart as everyone else. I feel like people tend to be mean to those who are different because they don't know how else to act towards them. They probably haven't met anyone who is not like them which causes them to treat them differently. For example, when someone who dresses differently might be around people who find them strange and make fun of them. Although I think that if people took the time to know people for who they are, they could put aside the differences and be nice to each other.
I believe most people dislike anyone who is different from them because some may think they are perfect, or some may be trying to simply impress a peer and act like they dislike them. We today, as people, all have these expect ions set as society. We are expected to look a certain way, act a certain way, and live a certain way, and anyway that doesn't or naturally is incapable of that is considered a sore thumb or an outcast, which is completely wrong. We are who we were born to be and I don't see why people can't except that.
People often dislike those who are different from them because they believe that they can take advantage of them. For example in the story the people who are supposedly Charlie's friends embrace him at the party and talk about him without him even knowing. Also they might even be jealous. For example if you are smarter than someone then they might want to be as smart as you but instead of just saying it they try to make u feel bad
Often times, people don't like or look down upon people who are different from them. In Flowers for Algernon, the main character Charlie is considered "retarded". He is different from most people, and many people believe that because he is not smart, he is also weird and cannot become smart. While Charlie thinks that his coworkers are his friends, they actually dislike him. I believe they think this because he does not fit their standards of normal. Many people dislike people who are different than them because they believe that liking them could ruin their social status. They think that if people see them talking to a person who is unique and different from them, others would view them as being unusual, maybe even stupid, as well.
People usually hang out with people that are similar or have things in common with them. Their image is everything, and if you are different or aren't up to their standards, their is no point in getting to know you. For example, when you see celebrities in the news paper or in the magazines, you always see them walking and talking around high class people. You rarely ever see celebrities doing anything that doesn't benefit them.
In the story Flowers for Algernon a man named Charlie has learning disabilities and is treated differently because of it. I think this is because it is hard for people to accept change in others. In today's society people who aren't the same as you are more accepted but there are still people in the world that do not like anyone who is not the same as them. They show indifference and just can't seem to get past contradiction to what they think someone should be shown as to be productive. Fear of the unknown is also another factor into why people have a hard time trying to accept people who are different. Not understanding how they think and how they are supposed to act around them or treat them could be very confusing and that causes people to act out the way that they do. I have a person very close to me who has troubles learning and its tough because people just don't understand that they are special and need a little extra help. Most people won’t want to take the extra time to understand and they just want things to be simple and they want people all to be the same.
There are many people in this world that are different from us. Whether it be a mental illness or just being socially awkward they are just plain different. When this happens people tend to treat them badly. In my opinion it is because they might be afraid. They might not want you be the source of ridicule themselves so they bully someone else that they know cant fight back. They might also just want to be funny so they decide to pick on someone who has a lot of things to bomb on. So I don't believe that they really dislike the person but are more looking out for themselves.
I think most of the time people want to be friends with those whom they can relate with. For example, they might want to be friends with a person who is in the same group as they are. People also think that by being around someone who is considered uncool will have a negative impact on their reputation. The general population will stay away from those who are tagged as "dumb" and "stupid". This is what happened to Charlie Gordon in the Flowers of Algernon. Charlie was ridiculed at by those people who he called friends. They insulted and degraded him, but poor Charlie could not understand their jokes.
I think that people might act that way because they might believe that they are more superior than the other, or vis versa. People can act differently to a race because people might think that one race is better. Or maybe someone might think that if someone isn't as smart as they could be or smarter than you, then that person might feel that they are better, when in reality, everyone in the entire world is different toward each other. Some maybe more different than others. However, that shouldn't change anything because people are people and that should never be changed by others that don't think so.
People tend to dislike others if they are different from them because they want people to be more like themselves. For example, a person who says they are extremely smart may not like people who are not nearly as smart as them because they feel like they cannot see what they see. In Flowers for Algernon, this shows when Mr. Carp and Mr. Reilly make fun of Charlie because Charlie is challenged when it comes to his intellect. They tend to take advantage of him, and aren't really his real friend, and don't show respect for him. Therefore, people tend to dislike others who are different from themselves because they don't see things the way they see on their own.
I think that people often dislike anyone who is different from themselves because some people naturally find others that are different from them strange, and they choose not to get involved, or become friends with them. Some people don't care if someone is different, and are willing to become friends with anyone, even if they are complete opposites. Even if it isn't best thing to do, people often dislike someone different from themselves.
People do often dislike anyone that is different from them. Everyone wants to be the same and everyone one wants to be liked. So when someone is different, they may see that as a threat. Or they just may not be accepting of different people. Charlie is different from everyone in the story, he has been labeled "mentally retarded". Nobody accepts Charlie because of his mental retardation. He is different and obviously not accepted.
I believe that people dislike anyone who is diferent because sometimes different could be a good thing, and they may be jelous of the person. In the story "flowers for Algernon" all of Charlie's "friends" may of been jelous that the girls liked charlie. Also, Charlie disliked Algernon at first because he was jelous that the white mouse kept beating him in the maze.
In Flowers for Algernon, Charlie's "friends" dislike him because he is different. In general, people often dislike other people for being different because they "don't fit into the crowd". For example, a clique of middle school girls may all have the same brand of shoes. When one person doesn't have that same brand, they may exclude them for being different. This is mainly because they are afraid of difference. Whether it is because they are scared that that person may have better shoes than them, or because they want to define themselves as a group. It is possibly just for the fun of exclusion so that they are able to put down the other person for not being as good as them. We see that happen in Flowers for Algernon when Charlie's friends take him out drinking. They think he isn't as good as they are, and so they decide to put him down even more for the satisfaction of making him look even worse and for a good laugh. People also may dislike anyone who is different from them simply because they are out of the norm. If someone doesn't quite fit in, people are quick to shun them. This happens mainly because anyone who even has a thought of helping that person fit in is too scared of the rest of the people around them to be seen with someone different. People aren't quick to embrace other people's differences. This is because they are not accepting to diversity among their group, or abnormality in their lives.
JakeC P2- In the reading "Flowers for Algernon" the story is mainly focused around one character named Charlie Gordan. Charlie is a thirty two year old man who is considered mentally retarded. He has an IQ of 68 which is far below average. He is trying his absolute hardest to get smart. With the help of Dr Nemur and Miss Kinnian Charlie is on his way to being smart. People often dislike anyone who is different from them because of knowledge, race, and their setbacks or challenges. Charlie was considered retarded. When Charlie was cleaning the toilets and the girls walked by and laughed at him. That shows they probably don't know what disorder Charlie has or why he is cleaning the toilets. It was very rood of them to laugh at Charlie. Another example is if someone is jealous of you. Maybe you worked really hard to achieve something and someone just took it away. You would feel jealous of that person who won it over you because tried your hardest and lost it. That is probably how Charlie feels. He feels like a normal person until he had to get transferred to a different place to learn. He lost all his friends he had. That is why I believe people often dislike people who are different from them.
In the story Flowers for Algernon, Charlie is often being shown being taunted, excluded, and just simply treated differently because of his mental disabilities. There are many reasons as to why people are disliked just because they are different. One reason is that some people are jealous. If a human is jealous of someone because of one trademark personality which is unique that they admire/envy; then in order to make sure said person doesn't get the special attention/appreciation they deserve, they taunt them. Another reason is because humans get scared. In most cases there are two types of people; the kind who can't understand things and proceed to become curious, and those who become scared. Human beings become scared of things they don't understand and some don't even try to simply because it's not easy to grasp and is a bit different. For that reason they decide to completely isolate the quality and taunt it. Finally, people do it to make themselves feel better. Many people have low self esteem in certain qualities; you could be the most confident person in the world and still be completely insecure in some aspect of yourself. It's human nature. However, when a person see's that somebody is "weaker " than they are, or for lack of better words, worse at something than they are; they will bring that person down for two reasons: to make themselves look better and to merely just feel better about themselves. Thus, disliked and ignored by numerous people. It is for all of these reasons people often feel isolated, bullied, and brought down by anyone from their peers to "trusted" adults; solely because they are different. However, in this world nobody is the same either. For these grounds are people disliked and taunted because they are different.
While reading Flowers for Algernon, some characters in the story made fun of Charlie because he was different from everyone else. One reason why I think they did that is because he didn't understand what was going on. Since Charlie thought they were being his friends and being nice, what they said didn't effect his feelings. As the story goes on, Charlie gets smarter and understands that they are truly being mean to him. Another reason is that when some people see someone different, they make fun of them because they aren't used to their type. For example, someone who is completely different from everyone else is easier to make fun of, but no matter what, it's still not okay to treat anybody differently. Just because someone is different, it doesn't mean that you should treat them differently. Therefore, some people dislike people who are different from them because they aren't used to them, and they don't think it effects them.
I believe that people often dislike anyone who is different from them because maybe they feel that they are better than them in anyway or that the other person id dumb, stupid, or retarded. The person that was probably getting bullied since they are different won't understand that the other person is making fun of them because in their eyes, everyone is nice. This also happened in the story, '' Flowers for Algernon". The people who Charlie thought was his friends, turned out to be a bully towards him and even at a certain point beat him up. As Charlie became smarter, he realize that his "friends" were not really truly his friends.
people dislike anyone who is different from them because a lot of people have an image that all people should fit. If someones different, they look at them like an easy target to pick on because there are so many things different about them, and with that image, people look at those differences as flaws. For example, if a kid has on a different, out of date shirt on. That kid is considered different, so people feel the need to criticize him.
I think people dislike others who are different from them because people often fear what they don't know and different people may be easier to take advantage of. I feel this way because this is how people in history have acted out when they see a "new" race or different types of people. For example, when Europeans came to North America and they saw people there, they were shocked. The Europeans lashed out on the Native Americans because they knew they could take advantage of them. This ultimately resulted in a genocide.
Society excludes anyone who is different from the normal, whether it be based upon looks, intelligence, athleticism, or physical ability. People like to think they are the right example of perfect. If you are different from them they ridicule you to make themselves feel better. Charlie Gordon was pushed aside because he was mentally challenged. His "friends" didn't like him because of his state of intelligence. When Albert Einstein was young, he was also left out because of his unique intelligence characteristics. He was brilliant, but not everyone understood him or found this exciting.
In Language Arts we are reading a story about our main character Charlie Gordon. Charlie has a one of a kind personality and a whole different way of looking at things, people judge him for his differences and have never taken the time to get to know him as an actual being. People think of him as a human joke and all Charlie can see is that he makes people around him happy and has never noticed until he begins to look at things from a different perspective that they see him as a grown man that is just not as good as them. People often do things to exclude others who act or think differently from everyone else. Disliking people around you that have different views, looks, and state of mind is just a way of human behavior, it has been around forever. Now why people do this is the real mystery, there's a number of answers to why people may do things like disliking people with differences from them. For example people may bring others down to make themselves feel better, they may let there disagreements get between them and just plain out not like them, they may not understand the troubles that person may have and be ignorant to their feelings, or they may not want to be different themselves by siding with the group with differences or the one who goes with the flow, Charlie Gordon sadly has to discover this the hard way.
Just like the characters in Flowers for Algernon, some people often dislike anyone who is different from them. Many people are scared of things that are different. Thing's out of the box often intimidate them. Rather then accepting these different things, people often shut them down. By being mean, harassing, and ignoring these things people get the sense of power and feel more important. New people and things out of the normal make people feel jealous. They are worried that other people will start liking them more, or they are simply jealous that they don't have the character to do these things themselves. People feel safer when they have control over things. Just like in Flowers's for Algernon, Charlie's co-workers make fun of Charlie so they can gain control over him, and become popular. This often happen's in real life. For example: A new girl wears edgy clothing, other girls may bully her for the simple reason that she is not the same as them. Just like in Flower's for Algernon, people often dislike anyone who is different from them.
There are many reasons why someone may dislike someone else, but it's usually because that "someone else" is different from them. I think people often dislike anyone who is different from them because they don't really understand them. For example, in "Flowers for Algernon", Charlie's coworkers dislike Charlie because he isn't very smart. Sure, they understand that Charlie isn't smart, but they don't understand why. If they knew that Charlie wasn't smart because he had trouble learning, they might like him more since they would understand why Charlie is the way he is. This even goes for Charlie and Algernon. At first, Charlie disliked Algernon because he didn't understand why Algernon was so smart and kept beating him in the maze races. As time went on though, Charlie began to realize why Algernon was the way he was. Because of this, he came to like Algernon. When Charlie didn't understand Algernon, he didn't like him, but when he did understand Algernon, he did like him. This supports the fact that people often dislike anyone who is different from them because they don't understand them and their differences.
I think people may not like anyone who is different from them because they are either afraid or jealous. People who do different things from normal may scare off others or others may feel envious if what they do is daring and others like it. Some don't like Charlie but he is accomplishing more in a few weeks then they've ever done in their whole life. This could be because they are jealous or afraid of what a genius he is becoming.
People really dislike people who maybe be different for one way or an other. I think that people are like this because it sort of makes them feel better about themselves. For example in most cases a bully will pick on kids who may be different from them or who seems a little weird because it makes them feel stronger and makes them feel more highly of themselves. Also I think that people pick on kids who are different than them because in some cases the person who has something wrong with them or is weird will think that they are his/her friends. An example of that is in 'Flowers For Algernon" when Charlie goes to the bar with his so called friends, and they make fun of him, make him make a fool of himself, beat him up, and ditch him. Therefore people often dislike other people for being different in one way or another.
In "Flowers for Algernon", as Charlie becomes increasingly more intelligent, he discovers that the people he had previously surrounded himself with and called his friends were really just making fun of him and making a fool out of him the entire time.I believe that they were cruel to him like this because he was intellectually disabled, and different than the rest of them. This pattern of people disliking people is all too common, running rampant throughout history and modern times. People fear what they don't know, which may cause people to resort to making fun of people different than them. Frank Reily and Joe Carp constantly tried to make fun of Charlie because he was different and didn't know any better. Overall, I believe that the only reason that people dislike anyone who is different than them is because they fear what they don't know, and don't know how else to cope with their fears but to make fun of the unknown, often in cruel ways.
People naturally tend to bond with anyone who is similar or has similar interests to them. When someone is very different from you, it's hard to see things from their point of view. You can't understand the way they think or act. Therefore, they will often ignore or even put down said person simply because they can't see why they are the way they are. It can make them feel better about themselves. This happens to Charlie in "Flowers for Algernon". His so-called friends make fun of him because they don't understand and it makes them feel better.
People often dislike anyone who is different from them because they can't do what most people can. They don't fit in and act like everyone else. They probably don't have friends either because they don't fit in. Like in Flowers for Algernon, when someone did something stupid they would call it pulling a Charlie Gordon because Charlie wasn't that smart at the time.
People dislike other people who are different from them because the majority of society wouldn't understand the problems of someone different. They can also be made fun of easily since they do not understand what being kind actually is. In our school a special education child might think that tripping someone is a kind thing to do so they might trip someone who they would want to be friends with.
People dislike other people who are different from them because the majority of society wouldn't understand the problems of someone different. They can also be made fun of easily since they do not understand what being kind actually is. In our school a special education child might think that tripping someone is a kind thing to do so they might trip someone who they would want to be friends with.
I think that People dislike them because they are trying to act like there friends and act all cool. They don't want to hang out with anybody that's not very smart. kind of like how Joe and Frank made fun of him to impress there friends.
People often dislike people who are different because they do not understand what they are doing and it is easier to pick on them. Like in the story, Charlie's workmates often tease him and beat him up. They do this because Charlie isn't going to do anything about it because he thinks they are being nice and friendly.
ReplyDeleteI think that people that are different aren't accepted because everyone else wants to be around people that are like them. They like people that they can relate to and have stuff in common with. I enjoy being around people similar to me and different. If someone enjoys math and talks about math a lot then most likely someone who likes social studies won't get along to well. That doesn't mean they can't be friends at all, they may just have different opinions and feel like they may be arguing a lot. Another example would be if a person likes a certain sports team and someone else likes there rival. This often will spark some debate or a fight of some kind when watching the sport.
ReplyDeleteI think that people that are different aren't accepted because everyone else wants to be around people that are like them. They like people that they can relate to and have stuff in common with. I enjoy being around people similar to me and different. If someone enjoys math and talks about math a lot then most likely someone who likes social studies won't get along to well. That doesn't mean they can't be friends at all, they may just have different opinions and feel like they may be arguing a lot. Another example would be if a person likes a certain sports team and someone else likes there rival. This often will spark some debate or a fight of some kind when watching the sport.
ReplyDeleteI think that people often dislike people that are different then them because of the fear of the unknown. People are often scared of things that they are not used. People will then treat them badly because they could think that they are a lot worse then them and that they have power over them. Its based on the whole idea of the fear of the unknown.
ReplyDeleteI think people often dislike people who are different because they are a different religion or are not comfortable with them. Some examples are if a person is shy and people make fun of them.
ReplyDeletePeople like ho dislike people who are different from them because they aren't meeting that person's standard, which makes them weird and different. People don't want to include themselves with those types of people because of what people may say. You may get judged by hanging out with a certain person. When people see you hanging with someone, they will exclude you because you are starting to become different. For example, in the movie "Radio", the main character starts to help Radio with his problems and starts to associate himself with Radio. Because of this, he is made fun of and his state of mind is questioned.
ReplyDeleteI think that people have this one picture of what a normal human being should like. I think they people know that everyone is different but for people like Charlie ,different has another meaning. When you think of different you think of religion ,height ,and athleticism. For Charlie I think different almost means he is far from human. I think people like Charlie are disliked because others feel that they can push them around and make fun of them without hurting their feelings. In the story Charlie's "friends" make a fool out of him buy having him mop toilets in front of girls. Another example is if a person knows his "friend is not a good singer but tells him to perform in the talent show just to make fun of him.
ReplyDeleteI think that people often don't like people who are different from them. They think of other people as "weird" or "different." They want to have friends that are like them more so then different. People want to be able to relate to each other as well. For example, sometimes sports teams like to sit with each other during school.
ReplyDeleteA lot of people will hate others that are different than them, disliking them based on their skin color, race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, and etc. In my opinions, people often dislike others that are or appears to be different from themselves because many people are afraid of causing more problem for themselves. For Instance, if there was a bully bullying another student many people will be bystanders and do nothing; because if they stood up for the victim they might be afraid that they will become the next target of the bully. Another example is that, in Flowers For Algernon people dislike Charlie because he was as they referred to a "retard" just because he is unintelligent and his brain functioned differently than theirs. My guess to why he is being disliked from others is the people doesn't want to be picked on or made fun of for being friends with Charlie. Not necessarily saying no one would stand up for them or give them a hand but not a lot of people want to get into conflict therefore many will choose to ignore or stay away from people that are different than them.
ReplyDeleteIn flowers for algernon Charlie is different and no one really likes him. I think people often dislike people that are different because people normally like people like them. If some one is like them they can relate to them but if some one is different they might have a harder time relating to them and understanding them. If two people like the same sport they can relate to each other and understanding each others feelings about the sport. that is why i think people often dislike people who are different.
ReplyDeleteSome people just don't like to be friends with people that are entirely different from them. They think that the stuff they like is perfect and they think they are perfect. They just don't like different things that other people like. They think the stuff that people that are different from them like are stupid. They sometimes are jealous of other people that they hate. If other people like the other person, they can become jealous. So there are a variety of reasons of a person who dislikes a person that is different from them.
ReplyDeleteI think that people often dislike people who are different from them because they think that they are weird, so they even bother to get to know them. People are sometimes mean to people who are different because they might want to be like them. This could result to bullying, which is what happened to Charlie.
ReplyDeleteI think that people often dislike people who are different from them because they think that they are weird, so they even bother to get to know them. People are sometimes mean to people who are different because they might want to be like them. This could result to bullying, which is what happened to Charlie.
ReplyDeleteThere are many reasons people don't like people that are different from them. One reason is that some people are just cruel, and get joy out of putting people down. They think that hurting people, and ruining them is funny. They will just get joy out of crushing someone's spirit. Another reason is, some people are insecure in themselves so they need to not like someone different so they can like themselves. Putting someone down, is like saying, "your better than them." To themselves. Another reason people don't like people that are different than them is that they are afraid of them. Someone different is scary to so some people, so they decide they don't like them out of fear. The final reason some people don't like people that are different from them is pre-formed prejudice, or a forced kind of prejudice. People may have been brought up to hate different people. While if their friend hates someone, or a "cool group" is against someone, people stop liking those people to fit in. So there are many reasons people don't like people that are different from them.
ReplyDeletePeople often dislike people who are different from them because they do not understand the other person's feelings. If they were put in the other person's shoes they would understand that they are normal, just different from most people. They are so used to the kind of people they have encountered throughout their life that they find a new type of person weird because they are different. In Flowers for Algernon, Charlie's friends make fun of him. They only do this because they are not used to seeing people like Charlie. If someone in their families was like Charlie, they would understand the situation more and realize that it isn't right to make fun of him.
ReplyDeletePeople often dislike a person who is different from them because they don't want to accept people. In Flowers For Algernon, Charlie is disliked because he's different. People find that differences are bad and those people should be avoided at all costs. For example, many people in schools will exclude students with special needs because they feel that they aren't "normal."
ReplyDeleteI think people often dislike people who are different because the way society looks at them. Today, people look at people with learning disabilities as "retarted", or slow. For example my Dad's company works with people who have learning disabilities and one of his clients go to college now to get a degree. Another example society looks at people who are different from them is we exclude them from groups. Because they might not have the same interests as other people we tend to exclude or push them away. Therefore, society plays a key factor on how we look at people who are different from us.
ReplyDeleteI think that people often dislike anyone who is different from them because they can not relate to them. If you can't relate to a person then you really can't understand them, so you also can't really like them. For example, if one person wears a t-shirt and sweatpants everyday and another person wears a fancy shirt and skinny jeans everyday then it is likely that they will not like each other. If someone also does not do what the "popular kids" are doing then many people will start to dislike them too. In Flowers for Algernon Charlie has trouble comprehending what is happening around him, so many people dislike him and act like his friends but really just are mean to him. Being different can definitely make people dislike you.
ReplyDeletePeople often dislike people who are different from them. This is because they are used to people acting a certin way. If people don't act this way, they are considered werid or different. Some people can't help it. Others do it for attention. the people who can't help it often have some sort of disorder. For example, I once read about a character that just couldn't help shouting out unnessisary facts when ever he thought them. People made fun of him or groan when ever he would say them. Another example is Charlie from Flowers for Algernon. He wasn't as smart as everyone else and they made fun of him or pulled tricks on him. He thought they were his friends but they only kept him around for a good laugh. Charlie wanted to be smart but he couldn't seem to do it. people tend to either avoid or make fun of people who are different. They shouldn't do that. They are just like you or me with a few differences. Why can't people see that? Therefore, people often dislike what they don't understand.
ReplyDeleteI think people may dislike people because they're different because they think they may be better or smarter. Just because the person isn't as smart as them or has worse handwriting, people judge them. They think that they are smarter or better than them, they may think they have better style, handwriting, choices, hair, supplies, or pretty much anything. People might dislike people because the person is trying to show off or act cool. Some people might dislike people just because their handwriting is weird or bad or even if they just look different. Some examples could be that if someone has glasses and the person doesn't like people with glasses or people with braces or people that have a certain type of hair or what they wear. I think everyone should be fair to each other so nobody's judging and everyone feels good about themselves and nobody feels left out.
ReplyDeletePeople often dislike people who are different from them because they probably had a bad history of those who are different from them. For example, people hate or get scared of things that happened to them in the past. My brother hates crickets because he hates how they jump towards you and my friend hates bugs the bite like mosquitoes, dragonflies, etc because he scared of get hurt.
ReplyDeleteThe characters in, "Flowers for Algernon" are similar to real life people. I believe that people often dislike others that are different from them because their are no common interests. For instance, the friends that you have, you probably have the same interests as them. Another example is that in the story, "Flowers for Algernon", Charlie's "friends", never liked Charlie and were able to use him because he was mentally challenged.
ReplyDeleteIn the story, "Flowers for Algernon," the main character Charlie Gordon is often judged and mistreated because of his learning disabilities. Charlie is even made fun of, and teased by the people he considers his friends, and he doesn't even know it. Today in society, I think there are a lot of people who are still made fun of for being different. What most don't see, though is that being different can be extraordinary. People dislike people for their differences, because it's abnormal to them. Maybe it's the way they dress, or talk, or communicate, or how they look. The "abnormal" people aren't wrong, they're just doing what they know how to do. These people stand out to us, because they are in one word, unique. Lots of people think its funny to make fun of and pick on these people, just because they aren't the same as everyone else. This is like how Charlie is treated in the story. Everyone looks down on him for not being smart, when really, he doesn't know any better. He's just doing what he knows. So he goes along with what everyone else says, even if they are judging him. In reality, the different people aren't the ones with the problem, it's the ones that point out the differences, that have the problem.
ReplyDeleteJordyn Gross
In " Flowers for Algernon" some of Charlie's "friends" make fun of him, however, he is unaware. Charlie isn't as smart as the rest of the people at his work. He doesn't have as good of an understanding about how life works and the social aspects of life as any normal person would. For this reason, some of the people at work take advantage of his lack of knowledge. He's different than them. They don't like it, or they like it too much. They use his absentmindedness to get him drunk and then beat him up. The thing that is different about Charlie is that he tries. He is such a motivated person, and his "friends" aren't as motivated as he is. Charlie has so much drive, and although he may not know what to do with it yet, he knows he will someday. He at least knows what to do with his life instead of making fun of those who may not be as intelligent as others. Being different shouldn't make you vulnerable to bullying. People should realize that everyone is different. Not one person is the same. Embrace your different, and be proud of who you are.
ReplyDeleteI think people can dislike people because they are different. This can happen because sometimes people don't realize that others can have so much potential just because they might have special need. The people who dislike others might not be thinking about them or what might be going on. Some people are just bullies and make fun of others because they aren't just like them. Others with special needs might be different in their own way, but you don't dislike them just because of that reason. People need to realize that everybody is equal and might have potential just like they do.
ReplyDeletePeople who are differentare thought of as lepers, they are constantly alone, and no one tries to get to know them. If they come from a different place, people won't tink you know or like the same things. In Charlie's case his so called "friends" don't think he's smart ebough to what they're talking about or what they like. Or can do what they like to do. It's unfair to them, too. Victor Akintola
ReplyDeleteI think people often dislike anyone who is different from them because they are used to having people that are the same as them. If someone was different, the "normal" people would find that the other person is strange or weird, and they may not like people that are weird or strange. For example in Flowers for Algernon, Charlie's coworkers don't think of Charlie as a friend, and usually just make fun of him because he's mentally challenge. Charlie think's his coworkers are his friends, but in reality they most likely aren't because they always make fun of Charlie because he's different and doesn't understand the things they say. That's why I think people often dislike anyone that's different from them.
ReplyDeleteI believe that people often dislike people that are different because it is easy to find things to pick on. If someone is different they might wear clothes, shoes, or be interested in things that don't go along with current trends;making it easy to find things out of the ordinary. Most people are scared of change which causes them find anomalies of a person's character or personality. Such as a person with short hair is in a group of people with long hair they might stick out and be a target for bullying and exclusion. In Flowers for Algernon, Charlie is made fun of because he is mentally challenged and is oblivious to it all.
ReplyDeleteI think people often see someone that is different them because they just don't know what to say to the person even though they have many things in common. Such as the story you told about your son with the kid on his baseball team that was just trying to make some friends but he didn't know any better.
ReplyDeleteI think people often dislike anyone who is different from them because when someone is different from you, people don't always want to associate themselves with that person. For example, when you see a different looking food, you might not want to even touch it. I know I am like that, and people think the same way when they meet someone who is new and may be a little different from themselves. They could be thin-slicing them, which is when someone makes an assumption about someone else without getting to know them. Although this is not right, we all do it, especially when it comes to people who are different from us. Some people just may not know how to act when they are around other people who are different from themselves, so they might just say they dislike them because they might not know how to act or what to say around them. Just like Charlie, in "Flowers for Algernon", he is a victim of people being mean to him and disliking him because he is different, and he isn't the only one.
ReplyDeleteI think people dislike anyone who is different from them because of fear. People often fear what they don't understand, and picking on them might make them feel strong. This is probably the biggest reason that people dislike anyone who is different from them. Also, they might feel that the other person might be better than them, and they are envious of the differences. They might even be stupid things that they are jealous of, but even so, they still dislike the person for that. In the past, people disliked the Jews because they were different from others. It was because they were scared of them that they were discriminated against.
ReplyDeletePeople may not like people who are different because they are considered "weird". People who are mentally challenged may not be liked because they act different or are slower than the majority of people.
ReplyDeleteI think that many people dislike other people who are different simply because they dont understand them. People may not understand why they learn and do things in a unique way from ordinary people. Even though no two people are the same, many may percieve a person that they don't as "weird" or "retarted" when in reality they are just unique human beings. For example, in Flowers For Algernon, Charlies fake friends made fun of him just because he wasn't as smart and didnt learn like they did. People often judge a book by it's cover and don't get to know the person after realizing they may be a little different than the next guy. I dont think its right to not like someone because they're different. I always try to like people until they give a real reason not to.
ReplyDeletePeople dislike anyone who isn't like them. They don't like to stray from the normal, and want everyone who is different to stay away. Some people are scared of different people only because they aren't used to their differences. For example, the story, no one accepted Charlie for who he was. They just saw him as someone who has a disability. I think this is unfair to everyone who isn't like us, and we should accept people for who they are, not what they look like. Therefore, people often dislike anyone who is different from them for many reasons.
ReplyDeletePeople often dislike someone else who is different from them for various reasons. One reason could be that people don't want to explain someone else something that they don't know because they think its too much effort. An example of this would be that a kid doesn't want to show another kid how to tie his/her shoes because it takes too much effort to teach them. This makes the kid who doesn't know how to tie his shoe seem bad. Another reason would be that people don't like others because they think others are better than them. This is an act of jealousy and it can be very common. For example, an unpopular kid can dislike the popular kid because they get all the friends they want while the unpopular kid is struggling to make barely a few friends. This makes the unpopular kid think that the popular kid is better than them and jealousy occurs. Therefore there are many reasons that people dislike someone else who is different from them including their level with others and the importance of one's time.
ReplyDeleteFisayo Adeyina: It is not uncommon for people to be mean to someone when they're different. In the story, "Flowers for Algernon" Charlie is often made fun of because he is not as smart as everyone else. I feel like people tend to be mean to those who are different because they don't know how else to act towards them. They probably haven't met anyone who is not like them which causes them to treat them differently. For example, when someone who dresses differently might be around people who find them strange and make fun of them. Although I think that if people took the time to know people for who they are, they could put aside the differences and be nice to each other.
ReplyDeleteI believe most people dislike anyone who is different from them because some may think they are perfect, or some may be trying to simply impress a peer and act like they dislike them. We today, as people, all have these expect ions set as society. We are expected to look a certain way, act a certain way, and live a certain way, and anyway that doesn't or naturally is incapable of that is considered a sore thumb or an outcast, which is completely wrong. We are who we were born to be and I don't see why people can't except that.
ReplyDeletePeople often dislike those who are different from them because they believe that they can take advantage of them. For example in the story the people who are supposedly Charlie's friends embrace him at the party and talk about him without him even knowing. Also they might even be jealous. For example if you are smarter than someone then they might want to be as smart as you but instead of just saying it they try to make u feel bad
ReplyDeleteOften times, people don't like or look down upon people who are different from them. In Flowers for Algernon, the main character Charlie is considered "retarded". He is different from most people, and many people believe that because he is not smart, he is also weird and cannot become smart. While Charlie thinks that his coworkers are his friends, they actually dislike him. I believe they think this because he does not fit their standards of normal. Many people dislike people who are different than them because they believe that liking them could ruin their social status. They think that if people see them talking to a person who is unique and different from them, others would view them as being unusual, maybe even stupid, as well.
ReplyDeletePeople usually hang out with people that are similar or have things in common with them. Their image is everything, and if you are different or aren't up to their standards, their is no point in getting to know you. For example, when you see celebrities in the news paper or in the magazines, you always see them walking and talking around high class people. You rarely ever see celebrities doing anything that doesn't benefit them.
ReplyDeleteIn the story Flowers for Algernon a man named Charlie has learning disabilities and is treated differently because of it. I think this is because it is hard for people to accept change in others. In today's society people who aren't the same as you are more accepted but there are still people in the world that do not like anyone who is not the same as them. They show indifference and just can't seem to get past contradiction to what they think someone should be shown as to be productive. Fear of the unknown is also another factor into why people have a hard time trying to accept people who are different. Not understanding how they think and how they are supposed to act around them or treat them could be very confusing and that causes people to act out the way that they do. I have a person very close to me who has troubles learning and its tough because people just don't understand that they are special and need a little extra help. Most people won’t want to take the extra time to understand and they just want things to be simple and they want people all to be the same.
ReplyDeleteThere are many people in this world that are different from us. Whether it be a mental illness or just being socially awkward they are just plain different. When this happens people tend to treat them badly. In my opinion it is because they might be afraid. They might not want you be the source of ridicule themselves so they bully someone else that they know cant fight back. They might also just want to be funny so they decide to pick on someone who has a lot of things to bomb on. So I don't believe that they really dislike the person but are more looking out for themselves.
ReplyDeleteI think most of the time people want to be friends with those whom they can relate with. For example, they might want to be friends with a person who is in the same group as they are. People also think that by being around someone who is considered uncool will have a negative impact on their reputation. The general population will stay away from those who are tagged as "dumb" and "stupid". This is what happened to Charlie Gordon in the Flowers of Algernon. Charlie was ridiculed at by those people who he called friends. They insulted and degraded him, but poor Charlie could not understand their jokes.
ReplyDeleteI think that people might act that way because they might believe that they are more superior than the other, or vis versa. People can act differently to a race because people might think that one race is better. Or maybe someone might think that if someone isn't as smart as they could be or smarter than you, then that person might feel that they are better, when in reality, everyone in the entire world is different toward each other. Some maybe more different than others. However, that shouldn't change anything because people are people and that should never be changed by others that don't think so.
ReplyDeletePeople tend to dislike others if they are different from them because they want people to be more like themselves. For example, a person who says they are extremely smart may not like people who are not nearly as smart as them because they feel like they cannot see what they see. In Flowers for Algernon, this shows when Mr. Carp and Mr. Reilly make fun of Charlie because Charlie is challenged when it comes to his intellect. They tend to take advantage of him, and aren't really his real friend, and don't show respect for him. Therefore, people tend to dislike others who are different from themselves because they don't see things the way they see on their own.
ReplyDeleteI think that people often dislike anyone who is different from themselves because some people naturally find others that are different from them strange, and they choose not to get involved, or become friends with them. Some people don't care if someone is different, and are willing to become friends with anyone, even if they are complete opposites. Even if it isn't best thing to do, people often dislike someone different from themselves.
ReplyDeletePeople do often dislike anyone that is different from them. Everyone wants to be the same and everyone one wants to be liked. So when someone is different, they may see that as a threat. Or they just may not be accepting of different people. Charlie is different from everyone in the story, he has been labeled "mentally retarded". Nobody accepts Charlie because of his mental retardation. He is different and obviously not accepted.
ReplyDeleteI believe that people dislike anyone who is diferent because sometimes different could be a good thing, and they may be jelous of the person. In the story "flowers for Algernon" all of Charlie's "friends" may of been jelous that the girls liked charlie. Also, Charlie disliked Algernon at first because he was jelous that the white mouse kept beating him in the maze.
ReplyDeleteIn Flowers for Algernon, Charlie's "friends" dislike him because he is different. In general, people often dislike other people for being different because they "don't fit into the crowd". For example, a clique of middle school girls may all have the same brand of shoes. When one person doesn't have that same brand, they may exclude them for being different. This is mainly because they are afraid of difference. Whether it is because they are scared that that person may have better shoes than them, or because they want to define themselves as a group. It is possibly just for the fun of exclusion so that they are able to put down the other person for not being as good as them. We see that happen in Flowers for Algernon when Charlie's friends take him out drinking. They think he isn't as good as they are, and so they decide to put him down even more for the satisfaction of making him look even worse and for a good laugh. People also may dislike anyone who is different from them simply because they are out of the norm. If someone doesn't quite fit in, people are quick to shun them. This happens mainly because anyone who even has a thought of helping that person fit in is too scared of the rest of the people around them to be seen with someone different. People aren't quick to embrace other people's differences. This is because they are not accepting to diversity among their group, or abnormality in their lives.
ReplyDeleteJakeC P2- In the reading "Flowers for Algernon" the story is mainly focused around one character named Charlie Gordan. Charlie is a thirty two year old man who is considered mentally retarded. He has an IQ of 68 which is far below average. He is trying his absolute hardest to get smart. With the help of Dr Nemur and Miss Kinnian Charlie is on his way to being smart. People often dislike anyone who is different from them because of knowledge, race, and their setbacks or challenges. Charlie was considered retarded. When Charlie was cleaning the toilets and the girls walked by and laughed at him. That shows they probably don't know what disorder Charlie has or why he is cleaning the toilets. It was very rood of them to laugh at Charlie. Another example is if someone is jealous of you. Maybe you worked really hard to achieve something and someone just took it away. You would feel jealous of that person who won it over you because tried your hardest and lost it. That is probably how Charlie feels. He feels like a normal person until he had to get transferred to a different place to learn. He lost all his friends he had. That is why I believe people often dislike people who are different from them.
ReplyDeleteIn the story Flowers for Algernon, Charlie is often being shown being taunted, excluded, and just simply treated differently because of his mental disabilities. There are many reasons as to why people are disliked just because they are different. One reason is that some people are jealous. If a human is jealous of someone because of one trademark personality which is unique that they admire/envy; then in order to make sure said person doesn't get the special attention/appreciation they deserve, they taunt them. Another reason is because humans get scared. In most cases there are two types of people; the kind who can't understand things and proceed to become curious, and those who become scared. Human beings become scared of things they don't understand and some don't even try to simply because it's not easy to grasp and is a bit different. For that reason they decide to completely isolate the quality and taunt it. Finally, people do it to make themselves feel better. Many people have low self esteem in certain qualities; you could be the most confident person in the world and still be completely insecure in some aspect of yourself. It's human nature. However, when a person see's that somebody is "weaker " than they are, or for lack of better words, worse at something than they are; they will bring that person down for two reasons: to make themselves look better and to merely just feel better about themselves. Thus, disliked and ignored by numerous people. It is for all of these reasons people often feel isolated, bullied, and brought down by anyone from their peers to "trusted" adults; solely because they are different. However, in this world nobody is the same either. For these grounds are people disliked and taunted because they are different.
ReplyDeleteWhile reading Flowers for Algernon, some characters in the story made fun of Charlie because he was different from everyone else. One reason why I think they did that is because he didn't understand what was going on. Since Charlie thought they were being his friends and being nice, what they said didn't effect his feelings. As the story goes on, Charlie gets smarter and understands that they are truly being mean to him. Another reason is that when some people see someone different, they make fun of them because they aren't used to their type. For example, someone who is completely different from everyone else is easier to make fun of, but no matter what, it's still not okay to treat anybody differently. Just because someone is different, it doesn't mean that you should treat them differently. Therefore, some people dislike people who are different from them because they aren't used to them, and they don't think it effects them.
ReplyDeleteI believe that people often dislike anyone who is different from them because maybe they feel that they are better than them in anyway or that the other person id dumb, stupid, or retarded. The person that was probably getting bullied since they are different won't understand that the other person is making fun of them because in their eyes, everyone is nice. This also happened in the story, '' Flowers for Algernon". The people who Charlie thought was his friends, turned out to be a bully towards him and even at a certain point beat him up. As Charlie became smarter, he realize that his "friends" were not really truly his friends.
ReplyDeletepeople dislike anyone who is different from them because a lot of people have an image that all people should fit. If someones different, they look at them like an easy target to pick on because there are so many things different about them, and with that image, people look at those differences as flaws. For example, if a kid has on a different, out of date shirt on. That kid is considered different, so people feel the need to criticize him.
ReplyDeleteI think people dislike others who are different from them because people often fear what they don't know and different people may be easier to take advantage of. I feel this way because this is how people in history have acted out when they see a "new" race or different types of people. For example, when Europeans came to North America and they saw people there, they were shocked. The Europeans lashed out on the Native Americans because they knew they could take advantage of them. This ultimately resulted in a genocide.
ReplyDeleteSociety excludes anyone who is different from the normal, whether it be based upon looks, intelligence, athleticism, or physical ability. People like to think they are the right example of perfect. If you are different from them they ridicule you to make themselves feel better. Charlie Gordon was pushed aside because he was mentally challenged. His "friends" didn't like him because of his state of intelligence. When Albert Einstein was young, he was also left out because of his unique intelligence characteristics. He was brilliant, but not everyone understood him or found this exciting.
ReplyDeleteIn Language Arts we are reading a story about our main character Charlie Gordon. Charlie has a one of a kind personality and a whole different way of looking at things, people judge him for his differences and have never taken the time to get to know him as an actual being. People think of him as a human joke and all Charlie can see is that he makes people around him happy and has never noticed until he begins to look at things from a different perspective that they see him as a grown man that is just not as good as them. People often do things to exclude others who act or think differently from everyone else. Disliking people around you that have different views, looks, and state of mind is just a way of human behavior, it has been around forever. Now why people do this is the real mystery, there's a number of answers to why people may do things like disliking people with differences from them. For example people may bring others down to make themselves feel better, they may let there disagreements get between them and just plain out not like them, they may not understand the troubles that person may have and be ignorant to their feelings, or they may not want to be different themselves by siding with the group with differences or the one who goes with the flow, Charlie Gordon sadly has to discover this the hard way.
ReplyDeleteJust like the characters in Flowers for Algernon, some people often dislike anyone who is different from them. Many people are scared of things that are different. Thing's out of the box often intimidate them. Rather then accepting these different things, people often shut them down. By being mean, harassing, and ignoring these things people get the sense of power and feel more important. New people and things out of the normal make people feel jealous. They are worried that other people will start liking them more, or they are simply jealous that they don't have the character to do these things themselves. People feel safer when they have control over things. Just like in Flowers's for Algernon, Charlie's co-workers make fun of Charlie so they can gain control over him, and become popular. This often happen's in real life. For example: A new girl wears edgy clothing, other girls may bully her for the simple reason that she is not the same as them. Just like in Flower's for Algernon, people often dislike anyone who is different from them.
ReplyDeleteThere are many reasons why someone may dislike someone else, but it's usually because that "someone else" is different from them. I think people often dislike anyone who is different from them because they don't really understand them. For example, in "Flowers for Algernon", Charlie's coworkers dislike Charlie because he isn't very smart. Sure, they understand that Charlie isn't smart, but they don't understand why. If they knew that Charlie wasn't smart because he had trouble learning, they might like him more since they would understand why Charlie is the way he is. This even goes for Charlie and Algernon. At first, Charlie disliked Algernon because he didn't understand why Algernon was so smart and kept beating him in the maze races. As time went on though, Charlie began to realize why Algernon was the way he was. Because of this, he came to like Algernon. When Charlie didn't understand Algernon, he didn't like him, but when he did understand Algernon, he did like him. This supports the fact that people often dislike anyone who is different from them because they don't understand them and their differences.
ReplyDeleteI think people may not like anyone who is different from them because they are either afraid or jealous. People who do different things from normal may scare off others or others may feel envious if what they do is daring and others like it. Some don't like Charlie but he is accomplishing more in a few weeks then they've ever done in their whole life. This could be because they are jealous or afraid of what a genius he is becoming.
ReplyDeletePeople really dislike people who maybe be different for one way or an other. I think that people are like this because it sort of makes them feel better about themselves. For example in most cases a bully will pick on kids who may be different from them or who seems a little weird because it makes them feel stronger and makes them feel more highly of themselves. Also I think that people pick on kids who are different than them because in some cases the person who has something wrong with them or is weird will think that they are his/her friends. An example of that is in 'Flowers For Algernon" when Charlie goes to the bar with his so called friends, and they make fun of him, make him make a fool of himself, beat him up, and ditch him. Therefore people often dislike other people for being different in one way or another.
ReplyDeleteIn "Flowers for Algernon", as Charlie becomes increasingly more intelligent, he discovers that the people he had previously surrounded himself with and called his friends were really just making fun of him and making a fool out of him the entire time.I believe that they were cruel to him like this because he was intellectually disabled, and different than the rest of them. This pattern of people disliking people is all too common, running rampant throughout history and modern times. People fear what they don't know, which may cause people to resort to making fun of people different than them. Frank Reily and Joe Carp constantly tried to make fun of Charlie because he was different and didn't know any better. Overall, I believe that the only reason that people dislike anyone who is different than them is because they fear what they don't know, and don't know how else to cope with their fears but to make fun of the unknown, often in cruel ways.
ReplyDeletePeople naturally tend to bond with anyone who is similar or has similar interests to them. When someone is very different from you, it's hard to see things from their point of view. You can't understand the way they think or act. Therefore, they will often ignore or even put down said person simply because they can't see why they are the way they are. It can make them feel better about themselves. This happens to Charlie in "Flowers for Algernon". His so-called friends make fun of him because they don't understand and it makes them feel better.
ReplyDeletePeople often dislike anyone who is different from them because they can't do what most people can. They don't fit in and act like everyone else. They probably don't have friends either because they don't fit in. Like in Flowers for Algernon, when someone did something stupid they would call it pulling a Charlie Gordon because Charlie wasn't that smart at the time.
ReplyDeletePeople dislike other people who are different from them because the majority of society wouldn't understand the problems of someone different. They can also be made fun of easily since they do not understand what being kind actually is. In our school a special education child might think that tripping someone is a kind thing to do so they might trip someone who they would want to be friends with.
ReplyDeletePeople dislike other people who are different from them because the majority of society wouldn't understand the problems of someone different. They can also be made fun of easily since they do not understand what being kind actually is. In our school a special education child might think that tripping someone is a kind thing to do so they might trip someone who they would want to be friends with.
ReplyDeleteI think that People dislike them because they are trying to act like there friends and act all cool. They don't want to hang out with anybody that's not very smart. kind of like how Joe and Frank made fun of him to impress there friends.